Not sending in a Math II SAT Subject test score?

<p>Alright I knew that UCs wanted a Math II score but I didn’t think it was virtually “required.” So my question is did it ruin my chances at schools like UCLA and B and SD for not sending mine in? I’m trying to major in Comp Engineering and I sent in a Physics score of 740 and a US History score of 700. I got a 600 on my Math II test, it’s a long story but I messed up during the test and ran out of time to fix it. It isn’t as though I’m not skilled in math, though, because I’m currently taking the highest math courses my school has to offer us and I’ve gotten As in all the calculus courses and a 5 on the AP test. I know AP tests barely have weight but I’m just using it as some background info so people don’t think I’m weak at math since it is actually my favorite subject. I just had a bad sitting the day I took the test and didn’t take it again. (And I’m not bragging about anything, there isn’t much for me to brag about lol My apologies if I do sound like I am)</p>

<p>So does me not sending in a Math II score really screw up my chances?</p>

<p>You’ll find out in a couple of weeks. But the AP Calc score should allay any fears of the adcom, so not submitting M2 will not be the reason you don’t get a favorable response (if you don’t).</p>

<p>The SAT 2 requirement is for two SAT 2 tests in two different areas - your Physics and History selections satisfy that requirement. [University</a> of California Admissions](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>The requirement for Math level 2 is that if you choose to submit a Math SAT subject test, it must be level 2. There is no requirement that you submit the Math subject test as one of your two tests. You are fine.</p>


<p>the OP is applying to Engineering, where Math 2 is highly recommended…</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses. I just read how it is strongly recommended, so I’m just bugging about how I got high scores/grades on other math things but just didn’t send in my Math II score. I’m hoping they don’t drop my chances for that reason.</p>

<p>Ahhh… I was speed-reading and missed that. As you say, the AP score should allay the fears.</p>

<p>of course you do realize spacedog, that by not following application directions (to send ALL scores), UC will wonder if you just can’t or won’t follow directions, or you are ethically-challenged…</p>

<p>Edit- alright I just read that you did need to send them all in. I wonder where my counselor was when all the applying was in progress, she never mentioned this to me. I know I probably <em>should</em> have known this but a lot was going on and I never heard that you had to send all of them in. If I did, then I would have, no questions asked. It was taken I think back during Junior year, but I’m thinking it’s far too late to do anything about that score now. Can anything be done at this point?</p>

<p>My line of reasoning was the they only looked at 2 Subject test scores in the first place. Nobody I talked to said anything about them needing all SAT Subject scores, although I knew they needed all SAT Reasoning scores. This whole thing is getting really frustrating. I can easily find it saying they need all Reasoning scores but it’s still hard for me to find where UCs say they needed all subject scores if you took more than 2. Pretty obscure information for something so important.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t be concerned bcos it will be next to impossible for UC to find out. Here’s hoping you receive fat envelopes.</p>

<p>lol Thanks for the reply. I’m hoping as well, but I don’t want to have any potential acceptances rescinded because I didn’t realize that Score Choice was just another ploy for College Board to make money. At least I didn’t realize it until now. I’m thinking of just resending all of my SAT scores again with Math 2 included. Crazy to send them this late, and it may very well be futile. But it’s worth a shot, since I’ll actually be able to say I tried to correct my mistakes instead of trying to hide them. I have letters written up to all the UCs I applied to and a letter to the UC App processing center, just in case I decide to send them in and pray to correct the issue. I know this probably sounds like a stupid waste of time at this point but I can’t be the first person to ever make this kind of mistake, and I’m just hoping/praying they don’t reject me for it.</p>

<p>BTW this thread is kind of interesting
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I already self-revised my “self-reported” scores on the UC App page and I’m not sure if they’ll see that revision or not at this point, but that thread does make interesting points lol Although I still think I may try to just correct the issue instead of trying to “get away with it”</p>

<p>At this point, the decisions are essentially complete. UCLA engineering is about to send out invites to acceptees to a reception that Eng holds prior to official notification date.</p>

<p>Thus, it’s too late – and not worth correcting, IMO.</p>

<p>Gah I figured it would be considered too late for admissions. But the reason I was thinking of this was, just in case I <em>do</em> get in to some schools, they have a deadline of July 15th for admitted students to send in official transcripts and test scores. Wouldn’t it be advisable to make these changes now instead of not making them at all and having them see the omissions on the official records? I’m thinking better late than never applies here lol Or at least hoping it does. I always feel that it’s best to let them know of these kinds of things prior to them finding out on their own, even if decisions have been made (just in case I get admitted).</p>

<p>@spacedog, I didn’t know you applied for engineering. Everything I mentioned to you is still accurate, but I just wanted to add the following:</p>

<p>For engineering, Math Level 2 is rather important. You won’t be automatically rejected just because you didn’t submit a math score, but it would have been in your favor to do so (altho a 600 may not do you any favors).</p>

<p>You are not going to get rejected or rescinded for using Score Choice. Just relax.</p>

<p>For future reference to people who will be applying to a UC: The UCs say send in all your test scores. Send in all your test scores. Thank you. Mistakes are understandable, but from this point forward, anybody reading this thread should not make this mistake.</p>

<p>@$KingsElite$, you do realize you are talking to teenagers with partially developed frontal lobe, right?</p>

<p>^Aka future University of California students… uh oh… ha ha.</p>