Not showing up for SAT - refund?

Planning on not showing up tomorrow’s SAT, and it is too late to call now.

Does anyone know whether DD can just use the fund to reschedule for Fall 2016? or that it is a total lost?
She also registered for waiting, will she get the refund for writing.


great. Thanks

I called last week to reschedule my D’s subject test to fall and was told that since the schedule for fall is not official until mid-summer, she should just “no show” and then we call after the official schedule comes out to officially reschedule. So you should be good from a re-scheduling perspective. There is a fee to reschedule regardless, and I don’t know the answer to your question about dropping the writing.

@1822mom thanks… You answered the part I was unsure…good to know…DD will likely not doing well tomorrow, but she will be taking ACT, hence I was thinking to wait till the result of ACT before calling… I think the writing is refundable.

Hi, I have the same situation and I tried going on my account to change the registration date, and it said it was too late to make changes.
Will I just have to pay the whole 70 bucks all over again or do I have to call the college board to bump the date?

You have to wait until the new fall test dates are available to register for and then you re register. ACT is same way. There is a fee for changing dates for both test companies

I’m not sure if you can get refunded, but you can definitely change the test to a later date without additional fees.

Anyone know how long a deadline lasts to call and reschedule a missed SAT?