Not sure where to put this, but I need advice with starting clubs!

<p>Hi! I'm currently a freshman, and next year I'm planning to start two clubs. I already have teacher approval and definite interest among the student body; this is mainly about working out the logistics of the actual development.</p>

<p>(SIDE NOTE: I don't know if these clubs will help with college admissions, but hey! I'll be doing what I love, which on balance is more important.)</p>

<p>The first one is a musical (and performing arts, e.g. dance and slam poetry) outreach club. My plan is to travel to schools, nursing homes, etc. This wouldn't just involve performing, though - it would also incorporate aspects of arts education. I'm also interested in holding benefit concerts for non-profits, since I think that would be an awesome way for our school's artistically-inclined students to use their talents to entertain and help people outside of the "private school bubble". My questions are these: How do I get space to hold concerts (I suppose I could use my school's auditorium…), and most importantly, how do I find/contact organizations (elementary schools, etc.) who might be interested in what our program has to offer?</p>

<p>The second one is a competitive robotics/engineering team. This is the one I'm mainly worried about, since from what I've heard, our school has made attempts at starting similar organizations, but they've failed due to poor management and a lack of knowledge/time among the student body. If anyone's competed in things like the FIRST Lego League or been involved in a robotics/engineering/computer science team or club, advice and suggestions would be absolutely, unbelievably fantastic!!!</p>

<p>Sorry this post was so long (and sorry for the excessive ellipses and exclamation points!). Thanks in advance for your help!! :D</p>

<p>Well i started a club at my school (film club) so not exactly what you’re talking about, but ill share my process. First i found a teacher to sponsor and get a few students to sign a form showing there would be interest. Then i drew up a sort of manifesto outlining my clubs goals and went to my schools activities director. He gave the OK and i was able to start the club. My sponsor usually reserves the auditorium for me whenever we need to use it. I have also gotten guest speakers to come and lecture (newspaper film critics and such) and i directly contacted them and politely asked if they would be interested. So i guess for you, your best bet would be to contact whoever you want to approach. </p>

<p>Try HS Life since this isn’t a college admissions post.</p>

<p>Thanks! Is there any way I can delete this thread?</p>