Not Sure Whether or Not to Retake

<p>Hey everyone,</p>

<p>I took the January SAT and I'm debating whether or not to retake it.
CR- 680
M- 620
W- 650

<p>As background on the PSAT I got
CR- 74
M- 61
W- 64

<p>I didn't really study and realistically speaking I can't imagine studying a whole lot more for the next time around. I'm really just disappointed with my reading score. </p>

<p>I'm looking at NYU (most likely ED, college of arts & sciences), American, Middlebury, Boston U, Pomona, U Chicago, Dartmouth (serious reach, I know) and some others. </p>

<p>This plus a 3.8 UW/4.5 W GPA in all honors/IB classes and good extracurriculars, what do you guys think? I REALLY don't want to retake it...I hate everything about that test. But even more than that I'd hate to feel like I didn't get accepted where I want to because I was too lazy to retake a test. </p>

<p>Just as a side note, I'm wondering if any of you guys feel the same way. My math class in school (IB HL 1) is 50X harder than SAT math and I'm doing well in the class, yet I bombed the math section on all practice tests, the PSAT, and the actual SAT. Whatever. </p>

<p>Thanks for input!</p>

<p>SAT math is a lot different from HS math. My advice is to study and retake it. There’s really no point in retaking if you’re not going to study.</p>

<p>I think you should retake. I increased my PSAT score by 19 points from soph year to junior year with about 2 nights of studying. So, sometimes, it doesn’t take much to improve your score by a lot.
Try studying the most on your best sections. It’s a lot easier to up your points in those categories than it is to up your points in a section at which you’re bad.</p>

<p>retake! (10char)</p>

<p>Thanks for the input. Obviously not what I wanted to hear haha, but still. :slight_smile: I still haven’t really decided…I think I’m going to do my subject tests in May and see how those go.</p>

<p>take the subjects in May and retake the SAT I in October.
BTW,can I take the SAT I in Oct and still apply for EA ?</p>

<p>I increased my PSAT from 197 to 235 from soph to junior. Retaking is good.</p>