<p>I already submitted my TAG for my expected classes for spring but I am unable to take a philosophy class which is needed for my major for UCLA (which does not have TAG).... so if I don't take philosophy will it anyhow affect my TAG or chances of getting into UCSD and UCI which do not require philosophy? In other words, I'm probably not going to apply for UCLA anymore but since I put in my TAG that philosophy was a planned course, will this be a problem? Thanks so much everyone, I hope I didn't confuse you with my question!</p>
<p>yes. you must inform admissions that you are not taking this course.</p>
<p>Sometime in January the school will email you and ask you for the update on what classes you are taking for Spring and what your fall grades were, you can tell UCLA then.</p>
<p>For TAG you may want to email admissions now just to inform them, as long as you remain full time and all the other requirements, you should be fine.</p>
<p>Does anyone know who to contact for UCI TAG changes?</p>
<p>@ Isus39 I’m not too sure - but the January update would allow you to make the updates on your coursework that would reflect whatever has changed</p>
<p>will your TAG be affected if you drop a course this semester, but re-take it next semester (and if you take all your planned courses)?</p>
<p>I have the same question…How do I contact their admissions offices? :(</p>