Not taking AP Tests on application

If I end up not taking the AP tests I said I would, do I need to tell them that? Is this something you could get rescinded over? I found out that some tests don’t really give credit for anything so I don’t want to do them anymore.

AP tests will be used for college credit. If you do not want the credit, then it is fine you did not take the tests. The grades in the AP classes are far more important to the UC’s. No worries, you will not be rescinded.

@Gumbymom We had the same question last night. What’s your confidence level on that? Not doubting you, I’d just hate to make a mistake like that to save $100.

I did some searching last night and couldn’t find anything concrete on college sites.

If AP test scores were required by the UC’s for their decisions, they would ask for an official report from College Board just like test scores prior to acceptances. You can always call UC admissions to confirm.

Thank you @Gumbymom