<p>What do you MEAN you haven't received ANY of my application materials? I can understand not having received my applicant statement, I sent that a week ago, but my RECS? My TRANSCRIPT? NONE of it?!? They were sent almost a month ago!</p>
<p>Andover, you have reached almost an epic fail.</p>
<p>Do they have your ssat scores? A record of your tour and interview? If they don’t have those things, your entire file may have been misplaced; in which case, it could probably be located again. I hope so anyway.</p>
<p>I sent the application 4-5 days ago (I lost track) and no, I don’t have copies- I doubt my teachers do, either. And the transcript, I don’t know. The deadline is Monday and we (freshman) don’t have school tomorrow, because we have no midterms.
They have a record of my interview, but not of my testing. This is so upsetting- I might cry.</p>
<p>Saer, I wouldn’t worry about your application. It takes a while for people to sort through all the mail, and if you’re checking your status online, additional time to update that. Call the school about your transcripts and recs. They won’t look for them if they don’t know they are missing. This happens every year and the school will tell you what to do.</p>
<p>I did call. The lady said “We don’t have a file on you, because we haven’t gotten your Candidate Statement.” I told her I sent it last week, and she was like… Okay. And then she told me that they do have record of my itnerview. She put me on hold and went to search the materials that don’t have a file yet, and she came back and said they hadn’t recieved anything for me. She said she would keep looking, and I should call back tomorrow.</p>
<p>my school sent my stuff to exeter (rec’s, transcript…) on the 13th and only today did my lionlinks say everything is in. so, don’t be discouraged.</p>
<p>Its not that I’m checking online, and they just haven’t registered it. She looked through the just-recieved mail, the alphabetized area where they keep unfiled material, everything. Not there…</p>
<p>Saer, I do hope things work out in the next few days. One school my daughter applied to last year had some missing items that were found a few days later.</p>
<p>But having gone through all the effort of applying, I am surprised you don’t have copies of anything. No drafts on your computer? Teachers have no copies in your school file?</p>
<p>Saer I feel for you! We had the same problem but with Exeter and ended up sending transcripts and a couple other things in twice. They also seemed to take forever- like 2 weeks to show things as received on their website.</p>
<p>Andover for us has been the opposite - I mail them things and it shows as received on my andover the very next day.
Weird that you are having the reverse- exeter being quicker than andover.</p>
<p>You may want to ask if there is another applicant with the same name- there is another kid with the same name as my son from Pennsylvania for example- maybe your stuff is in their file?</p>
<p>I would start asking your school if they can send things in again- also ask Andover nicely for an extension on the deadline since they lost your materials. </p>
<p>Saer, perhaps your teachers saw that Andover had a later application deadline than your other schools and held off on mailing their recs? Or you are sure that they mailed them all at the same time? Perhaps they are confusing PEA w/ PA?</p>
<p>I gave all my teachers and counselor envelopes with stamped addresses- they know little to nothing about this process, so I told them ASAP and that I’d prefer them to be sent by the 10th. They were all mailed, and I confirmed this with the teachers. They didn’t keep a copy, because really, we all assumed if it was mailed, it’d reach the school.
I’ll be calling tomorrow and doing two things:
Asking for them to check names, and for possible other places the materials might be.
Asking for an extension on the deadline, since I obviously mailed the stuff, I can confirm it with several people.
I’ll also be calling another school I am applying to, and I KNOW this is unorthodox, but since I can’t really ask teachers to re-write an recommendation without feeling guilty as anything, and asking the school to copy and fax my recommendations and transcript to Andover. I really hope they would do this for me, because this is literally really horrible…
I’m still hoping they find my stuff between today and tomorrow when I call. I might call my interviewer personally (instead of just whoever picked up the phone) to see what might have happened, or what can be done.</p>
<p>I think it is a truly bad idea to call another school and ask them to send a copy of that school’s rec to Andover. You need an adult involved in your family who can guide you away from making poor decisions like that.</p>
<p>I agree that asking another school to fax things to Andover is a bad idea. They are busy enough just trying to open and file their own mail they would not want to take the time to do that. I bet Andover will find it. Call again tomorrow- maybe a coach was looking at it or something.</p>
<p>Do not do that. Do not even think about doing that. So completely inappropriate. They’re busy enough getting all their incoming mail together, they don’t need to be packing up your application to send to another school. Seriously, that’s a bad, bad idea. It’s not another school’s job to send your application out. Look, there were probably mistakes that both you and Andover have made with the handling of your app. Maybe they’ll find your application. If not, you need to find a way to get a new application there without asking another school you’re applying to. They really have more than enough to do for their own admissions process.</p>
<p>Oh, and by the way, I DON’T have an adult to guide me away from these kinds of choices. I don’t have aprental guidance in this- I’m forging my own way. I know that some applicants do this because their parents want them to, make them, but literally… This is new ground for myself and my family. My mother doesn’t like the idea of me leaving, but knows the opportunities this represents.
I made my mother sacrifice a lot for this application process (hundreds of dollars in weekend trips to interviews, SSAT and PFS fees, countless hours of application work) and I’d hate for an entire school’s application to fail right off the bat. So yeah, I was going to do something that was dumb. Thanks for letting me know.</p>