Not yet admitted to V-Tech--still apply for school scholarships?

<p>My son thinks he can't apply for the many scholarships offered by V-tech until he's accepted (he thinks he doesn't have the right ID #). But, some of the deadlines are soon, and the acceptances all haven't come yet.</p>

<p>Is he correct that you must wait? That doesn't seem to make sense to me....</p>

<p>Hi Jolynne,</p>

<p>He needs to apply for the general scholarship fund even before he receives his acceptance; the deadline is March 11. He can do it online but for any general scholarship application at Tech you have to have a FAFSA application on file. He would get notification after he is accepted if he has received any scholarship money. From what I know they don't give out much money from the individual departments for incoming freshmen. The general scholarship fund is his best bet. Here is a link for the FA info at VT: General</a> Scholarship Program and Application Guide Financial Aid | Virginia Tech</p>

<p>Thank you K&Ksmom! Just emailing back/forth w/tech support to get to do this!</p>