Not your typical asian

<p>Well I cant brag about my grades but here goes
3.0 (uw) 3.5 (w)
New SAT should be around 2200 since I know i got practically all of the answers right.
SAT II should be a breeze for me too
Basketball Letterman
Volleyball Letterman
Search and Rescue Team
Inter Ethnic Relations President
Wasc Committee
320 hours of community service-(museums,library,boys and girls club)
First to go to college
My school is ranked nukber 1 in our district which is the best urban district in the country (Broad Prize) (California)</p>

<p>I was wondering if I could get into these colleges:
Loyola Marymount
SUNY Binghamton
SUNY Stony Brook
University of Toronto</p>

<p>where are you from? i might go to U of T next year if i get in. SAT of 1150+= good chance at u of t</p>

<p>All those UCs are a match for you. Loyola (in california??) is a match and I'm not sure about the others.</p>

<p>live in california really need help</p>

<p>What is your UC GPA? This may differ from the actual weighted HS GPA that the High Schools give you.</p>

<p>UCI - Match
UCSB - Match
UCD - Match
Loyola Marymount - Match
Gonzaga - Match
UMASS-Amherst - Match
SUNY Binghamton - Match
SUNY Stony Brook - Match
NYU? - Reach
University of Toronto - I don't know enough about this uni.</p>

<p>Also, what is your future major? Some of these majors are really impacted and cannot afford to take in any more students.</p>

<p>U of T is a bit iffy because their admissions are almost entirely GPA based. Though your test scores are outstanding the unweighted GPA damanges chances there. but I can't really say for sure. </p>

<p>You look like a good match for Gonzaga and Loyola, though those are the only other two I can say a lot about :) Gonzaga is a very cool school.</p>


<p>my uc gpa is actaully 3.48 and my future major is in business or international law.</p>

<p>plz help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>I thought I got all the questions right, or at least most of them, but then I ended up with an 1840. Wait until you get an official score report before assuming a high score.</p>

<p>Got my SAT back 2220!! Forgot to put that in</p>

<p>Good job! I wish the same could be said for me...</p>

<p>NB: International law is not a major. Law has never been a major in the U.S. So you might want to look into something in the same range as what you want.</p>

<p>loyola marymount is extremly easy to get into.</p>

<p>anyone else?</p>

<p>they're all state schools
I think you can get into all of them</p>

<p>I know UMASS for a fact</p>

<p>so which school would be the best for a business major?</p>

<p>Sry to tell u this but this is the harsh truth
U will not get accepted at most of the good UCs because of ur low GPA. UCs weigh GPA ALOT heavier than SATs. Usually its 1 part GPA to 0.5 part SAT. Get ur grades up</p>

<p>How about??
for me:</p>

Cal Poly</p>

<p>4.0 GPA
1800 SAT
SAT II: 760 French, 700 Math IIc
Great ECs
Hope to major in Computer Science</p>

<p>ok anyone else about the privates?</p>

<p>privates please</p>