<p>Following is a post from D's myspace page, reprinted here w/permission. Thought some might be interested:</p>
<p>Reflections after Year 1: what I've learned from school in Oregon
<em>the first semester sucks, but the second is infinitely better
you can find friends anywhere, sometimes it just takes a little while of not looking
*living in the gym and shooting around everyday is a really good way to meet people :p (boys at least)
*on that note, Kerry is still really good at making guy friends
*stereotypes are pretty much *</em>*****
*it is very convenient to be a girl in college :)
*age doesn't really matter
*fraternities are a great place to meet other girls... ...? (weird, I know)
*there is a change from daily routines to your day is a routine
*you can never count on the weather to follow the forecast for the day or anytime during the day
*people seem more or less attractive once you get to know them
*oreos heal/help heal sprained ankles
*everyone and their dog is named Ryan at my school
*difference in locality really does impact relationships
*IN verizon texting is pretty much the best thing since the internet
*(speaking of) wireless kicks ass :p
*life is too short to spend each day preparing for tomorrow: it's better to just enjoy them both
*lots of drunk people in a room together, good times- two or three in a room together, not so much
*boys have drama too
*it's very possible to spend an entire weekend watching baseball and still be satisfied with it when it's all over
*the most inspirational, confusion inducing, invigorating, and beautiful friends come in the most unexpected packages and under the most unexpected circumstances
*distance makes the heart grow. Whether it be fonder or yonder depends on the situation, but no matter what, it makes it grow.</p>