<p>Does integrated take the place of the other introductory chemistry/physics/computer science for BSE people, or is it in addition to? It sounds intersting but i just don't know if i'll have time if i add it to those other courses. And is it worth it to ditch honors chem/phys to take integrated? (I want to be VERY stressed out freshman year, not just overwhelmed and fatigued.)
<p>It gives engineers credit for PHY 103-104/105-106, CHM 201-202 and COS 126, so no you don't have to take those courses in addition to Integrated Science. In fact, we have quite a few engineers in Integrated Science this year and the course is hard but definitely doable and very worthwhile!</p>
<p>I am thinking of taking it as a comp sci engineer</p>
<p>One question, do you get a lot of time for free stuff and activities?</p>
<p>this course clears a ton of pre-med reqs, as well as BSE and a comp sci class...</p>
<p>So... is it worth it for me if I want to be social and get out?</p>
<p>Does integrated science fill 3 slots? so i have this one class and an EC or writing seminar?</p>
<p>Integrated Science fills two slots. So you can take it along with 2 other courses.</p>
<p>You'll have enough time for extra curricular activities if you plan your schedule wisely. I had plenty of free time in my first semester despite Integrated Science. I can't say the same of the second, but that was because of FRE 1027, not Integrated Science. (Taking two double credit courses in the same semester is NOT a good idea.) I don't think taking the course should pose too many problems as far as extra curricular activities go.</p>
<p>do people have As in the class at all... i'm not sure of my ap chem or calc score, but i got really lazy towards the end so I'm not sure if I did really well... maybe just a 3 for both exams.</p>
<p>please let me know.</p>
<p>i plan to take the integrated science class and then non science courses, probably a humanities class without any exams but papers instead of exams.</p>
<p>sucharita, after reading through some threads... I read that integrated science class itself is really tough but the midterm and final isn't that bad.</p>
<p>Is that true? That's for the first year, by the way.</p>
<p>Yes the midterm and the final are substantially easier than the problem sets and most of the stuff that's dealt with in class.</p>
<p>And yes, people have As in the class! Seriously, it's not as bad as people make it out to be!</p>
<p>ok, then I am taking it</p>
<p>hopefully I can kill the MCAT if I want to go to med school... just keeping the options open.</p>
<p>Is it worth it to forfeit Honors phys or chem to take it? Do you miss out on a lot by not taking those courses separately?</p>
<p>grete, that's a good question.</p>
<p>i wonder how well it also prepares for the mcat.</p>
<p>and is integrated science just for the one year?</p>
<p>after that, we're done? Also, if it doesn't... then taking integrated science + organic chemistry in sophomore year must be pretty insane.</p>
<p>I'm fairly sure that integrated is two years. Also, orgo isn't that bad! Take Maitland Jones' orgo, where there are no (or rarely) lectures, with most of the learning done in small-group problem solving sessions. I think this year is either his last year teaching or something close to it, so sign up!</p>
<p>I'm preparing for the MCAT now actually. So far, it feels like SAT IIs, except slightly dumbed down. Hope that feeling continues.</p>
<p>You will definitely <em>not</em> need honors physics (104-106) for the MCAT. Honors physics is pretty crazy. I had enough after two weeks.</p>
<p>ah i don't want to take organic freshman year, oh well.</p>