
<p>Claim Statement 4: By implementing vivid descriptions of the nature encompassing him, Fromm illustrates his newfound reverence for nature.
Text Support for Claim 4: “The mountains, while a little less comfortable, were just as impressive in the moodier weather. The clouds shredded on the ridgebacks, torn fragments hanging on in every draw. The snow fell from the trees in great thumping clots, making walking in the woods a little spooky. And, without the trees’ bright mantle of snow, the world turned a dark, dark green, nearly black, with the gray shards of clouds hanging everywhere, the white of the snow still clinging to the ground. A black and white world”(121). “Where the sun had been there was only a hazy, fluctuating ring of brightness. That’s all. Around me the woods were truly dark. The snow on the open slopes in front of me glowed pure blue, more definite than any twilight, as if there were some force under there that wouldn’t be held back forever…The vague ring of light wavered above the notch in the mountains, the sky blue-purple from horizon to horizon. The green-treed slopes across the creek faded to murky black” (143).</p>