<p>Wow, I'm lactose intolerant and I just held in a monster for like an hour. And on the drive back home, I kept getting lost, and it was perhaps the most painful thing I've ever gone through. But when I got home, it was just pure bliss. Random, but I felt my lactose intolerant relief merited its own thread :)</p>
<p><em>high fives</em></p>
<p>LMAO…Good to know. thanks for sharing that…makes you appreciate having the ability to answer natures calls…and not having something like hemorrhoids…</p>
<p>I kNoW wHaT yU mEAn brUDDah G uNiT </p>
<p>uS hOmIeZ goTSta StIcK 2GedDaH tHrU tHe ToUgH tImEz EH</p>
<p>pEeCE OuT</p>
<p>What does lactose intolerant have to do with that? I though it just means you have to drink fake milk.
You should ask a question like where was the strangest place you ever had to go to the bathroom.
I hate going in school, so sometimes its really nice to get home.</p>
<p>Lactose intolerant means you need to drink lactase sugar milk (fake) because if you don’t, well, “intolerant” comes from not being able to digest the lactose sugar properly…leads to irregular stool.</p>