Notification Date

<p>When do RD applicants get notified of their acceptance?</p>

<p>April 1st
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>


<p>can we find out online somehow or do we have to wait for the letter in the mail?</p>

<p>last year i got my notification a little before april 1st.</p>

<p>i just got back from Lehigh 15 minutes ago, i had an interview with an admissions person and they said this year all notifications will go out March 23rd. I assume like most colleges, they will come in the mail a little while before all other notifications. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!</p>

<p>Thanks for the update Josh! I'll be marking that date!</p>

<p>oh wow! thats so early..
i was relaxed because i thought they would be coming the week of the 1st and ill be in italy then so i could put off finding out. i might have to know before spring break, thats a scary thought</p>