Notification time for ED notification

<p>I have emailed the admissions office asking what time they will post the ED notification. They replied that u will be notified at 8 AM Saturday. It didn't say what time zone, but I'm assuming eastern b/c Emory is on the east coast. Good luck all!!!</p>

<p>they said 8 am last year too, but it was up at 12:01 am</p>

<p>huh, so maybe 8 am is the latest that they will post</p>

<p>Im going to die if it's at 8!!! I hope it's like last year and it's on the site at 12:01.</p>

<p>Me thinks it's going to be displayed at 12:01 AM as well. They're probably saying it'll be up at 8 AM to avoid hundreds of applicants logging into the site at midnight and killing the server. </p>

<p>I'm just saying it better not be at 8. I won't be able to sleep! It's bad enough waiting until midnight on the 15th. :[</p>

<p>That makes me sad =( I'm also going to check it at 12:01 though =) If not I will just go to bed & hopefully wake up after 7! (I'm in CST)</p>

<p>^^ arent you midwest?.... Im in Michigan and I think that we are on the same time schedule as Gerogia, but IDK how the whole time difference thing works any way so I'll just check at 12:01, 7, and 8 am... one of the three has to give me somthing right?</p>

<p>yeah....but Chicago/Illinois is CST. The "line", if you will, is drawn at the Indiana/Illinois border</p>

<p>they better have them up at 12:01 a.m or its going to be me, pack of energy drinks, and the T.V till 7 in the morning, im in Texas, central time</p>