Notifications Are

<p>just received FA package online..$15,291.00 + work study that will not happen...hip hip hooray.</p>

<p>Sunnydad, Does that mean you are staying in Florida? we are also OOS,NY, and am trying to decide what to do. 3500 unsubsidized loans only, no merit. That's gonna hurt.</p>

for some reason we seem to have a complete package online even though the school told me last week they were not posting anything online. We must wait for the letter to confirm this. As for your $3500 I would not worry at all. They just have not completed the whole thing. In our amount there are loans for my son to pay, but I will have to cover the gap of about $14,000.00 per year myself. If the letter confirms this he will probably go to VT. There are a lot to talk about this weekend, if true, because UCF would be no out of pocket for either one of us.</p>

<p>Sunnydad, so, you feel it is worth paying a lot more for an education at Vtech? I'm assuming your son is going for engineering. My son is undecided, and I don't know, at this point, whether to be paying OOS tuition at Vtech, or SUNY tuition, which will be considerably less. We are visiting Tech Sunday, Hokie Focus, our first visit. Maybe, we'll know after that which way to go.</p>

Yes, the son wants engineering but was not accepted directly into ENGR. VT has a bunch of hoops they must go through before doing engineering, if you don't have a 3.6 GPA or above. They will allow him to take Calc I, chemistry etc etc in the fall 08 but no ENGR 1024, the basic one. He has to do well in the fall and "apply" to take the ENGR 1024 in the spring. The second basic ENGR ,1025, he has to take in the summer so he will not fall behind. After that is done he has to apply to change majors,from University Studies into aerospace engineering. Being undecided your son would probably follow the same curriculum.
As far as being worth for OOS VT has a strong reputation, prestige etc etc, but sometimes it depends on the student. It is a tough decision and i hate to be in it. The wife would not think twice to send him to Tech, which, by the way, it is where our step son graduated from in 96.
If you visit Tech, you will not get out of He said it is the most beautiful campus he has seen.</p>

<p>Take the SUNY option dad- stay in state for his engineering undergrad! Having supported two kids through college already, and preparing to send #3, there's a lot of 'growing up' happening in those four years of college and I do believe that a good state school is terrific preparation for the rest of your life (and your more expensive graduate school).</p>

<p>SunnyDad, if you don't mind me asking what was your efc?</p>

<p>what's up everyone, i am the infamous son of sunnydad......i know i can go ahead and stay in state, but as much as i love florida, i want to see a different side of life. i want to try living somewhere different with different people rather than go to UCF where pretty much every single person in my graduating class is going....i have also wanted to go to VT for as long as i can remember...however if it comes out to be too unreasonable (still waiting on the OFFICIAL letter), then i am more than willing to go ahead and go to UCF</p>

<p>Sunnydad- I know what you mean about the visit only at your own risk, I have a feeling once we visit Tech, all our SUNYs will pale in comparison. I did promise him the visit, so we will go and see what it's all about. Gonna check out JMU while we are in VA, also, can I ask you, your step son who graduated Tech, what was his major, and what field is he in now?</p>

<p>dd.. step son did mechanical engineering and now works for a software company</p>


<p>im from florida as well. im going to VT this fall (non-engineering thank GOD). i know UCF is a great option. practically half of my school is going there. especially good considering it wont cost anything. i would have no problem staying in state, except VT offers a program that i really want and am willing to pay for</p>

<p>Got 11k in FA + ws. 6000 in grants the rest loans. Plus a 5000 merit scholarship. Not too shabby, its enough that i will be attending (yay!), but i do hope that this is not the end of it, and i get a little more. I applied for the Presidential enrichment grant, and wrote a killa essay, so hopefully that works out.</p>

<p>uh ohhh....</p>

<p>i got 12.5k in financial, and 9k of it was grants. Including the merit scholarship that is 14k in grants/ scholarships and an additional 3k in loans</p>

<p>Im instate so Tech only costs a total of 12.5k to begin with. My grants and scholarships alone come to more than that.</p>

<p>This may seem like a blessing but its more of a curse because now i want to reconsider going to tech</p>

<p>Next step is try to get in for the summer II program even if it is to take 3 hours. For future engineers it is very important to try to knock Calc I asap and maybe an elective. No trips to foreign lands this summer so we can go on with the program.</p>

<p>Congratulations to esmitty, afro, nick</p>

<p>anyone want to throw some extra FA money my way? aha j/k - and nick...what school do u go to? is it in south florida?</p>

<p>no i go to a private school (extremely small) in melbourne. more central FL, on the space coast</p>

<p>where do you go to check out your fa package?</p>

<p>im really confused, can you only check ur FA if you have sent the deposit?</p>

<p>check for Financial aid on the same page as you received your online decision.</p>

<p>that might be a problem seeing as i didnt get an online decision</p>