Notre Dame, Boston College, Villanova or Penn State

<p>So I was accepted to all of the schools I applied to (Notre Dame, Boston College, Villanova and Penn State- I got into University Park and applied to Schreyer Honors College, but that decision isn't available until February). I intend on majoring in Biochemistry. Being accepted to all of these schools are great, but it didn't help narrow my choices at all, since now I have to make a decision out of four great schools! Which school would offer the most opportunities for a major in biochemistry?</p>

<p>Congrats…4 great schools!!! Awesome!</p>

<p>I don’t know for certain which would give you the best opportunities; I would say Notre Dame. Is money no object? If money is a concern, which schools are more affordable? Have you rec’d your FA packages?.</p>

<p>PSU is probably the best research school, which would be huge for your major. But I’d wait and see if you get into the honors program there, and/or if any of those schools offer you scholarships. Congrats, and best of luck!</p>

<p>Penn State is great in the sciences, especially chemistry. If you get into Schreyer (which seems very likely based on your other acceptances), I’d definitely consider that at the top of your list. You also obviously need to consider location - if being close to a city is important, BC and Villanova are probably better for you.</p>

<p>Penn state would be the most affordable (it is only about 22,000 whereas the other 3 are all near 50,000). If I went to Penn State, I would definitely have all 4 years covered, but with the other 3, I could manage three years and on the fourth year need to take out loans or something. My family won’t qualify for financial aid, but I’m applying anyway just to see. Also ND and BC don’t give out merit aid, so i more than likely won’t get anything from either of those schools. </p>

<p>Location isn’t really an issue. The only issue with location is the fact that I live five minutes away from Penn State, so that wouldn’t be much of a travel for me where as ND is nine hours away!</p>

<p>I am extremelly jealous, you have got into some amazing schools.</p>

<p>Go to Notre Dame and you will never regret it. Notre Dame is truly a special place!</p>

<p>Merry Christmas and Go Irish!</p>

<p>All four are excellent schools, but I don’t see any reason to choose BC or Villanova over Penn State (espec if Schreyer) or ND. Are you planning on medical school? If so, go with the money and pick Penn State. It doesn’t make sense to have debt for undergrad if you don’t have to.</p>

<p>IF you choose Penn St, are you going to live on campus (since you live 5 minutes away)?</p>

<p>I agree with MomofWildChild</p>

<p>Assuming you’re in-state for PSU, I think it comes down to PSU + Money vs. Notre Dame. I honestly wouldn’t in a million years turn down ND for any of these schools unless money is an issue. I just think the ND experience is far superior than PSU. It depends, though, on your family’s financial situation as well as your post-grad plans.</p>

<p>I would not live at home if I went to Penn State, I would definitely live on campus. That’s one of the things that appeals to me about Penn State. I can make it as far away as I’d like it to me. If I didn’t want to go home, I wouldn’t have to and it would be as if I were away from home, but if I wanted to go home, it would not be an issue. If I were to go to Notre Dame, it would be pretty hard for me to get home since I would need to make plans. But at the same time, I think the Notre Dame campus has much more to offer experience-wise.</p>

<p>For my graduate plans, I would like to go to dental school. If I don’t go to dental school, I would need to get my phd to have a better job in research or what not.</p>

<p>I would like to go to dental school.</p>

<p>Well, the 3 expensive schools are going to cost **at least $220k **for undergrad, how much will you have to borrow?</p>

<p>You’ll likely have to borrow a lot for dental school, so you need to keep that in mind. If you borrow too much for undergrad, you’ll run out of borrowing power for dental school. Just borrowing for dental school will result in big loan payments.</p>

<p>For academic and financial reasons, if you get into Schreyer Honors College (PSU), GO! (I say this even though I am not a fan of state schools in general). The others cost more and are weak in your intended field of study.</p>

<p>Forget BC. If you are interested in Biochem there is a possibility you will become interested in engineering. BC doesn’t have an engineering college. Chose one that does in case you decide to change majors.</p>

<p>Yea, I’d still say go for Notre Dame but I think Penn State is your second best bet.</p>

<p>Penn State is an amazing college all around, it has great resources, an active social life, etc. Plus its affordable if you plan on going to grad school w/o being in debt. I would choose PSU if I were you, exspecially for the location-reasons you described, but Notre Dame would also be a great college.</p>

<p>I was going to suggest PSU until I found out you live only 5 minutes away. To a extent you could make it seem as far away as you like, but considering the size of the city PSU is in, you’ll virtually be in your parents backyard.</p>

<p>Yeah it seems like Penn State and Notre Dame are going to be a close tie… I wouldn’t have to borrow much for Notre Dame, but I would have to borrow some (not more than a year of tuition though). They don’t even have much in common, but I just can’t choose!</p>