<p>anyone have any experience./any experience with it.</p>
<p>anyone have any experience./any experience with it.</p>
<p>I went to both the Introduction to Engineering Program and the Latino Community Leadership Seminar this past summer and they were both amazing! I highly recommend attending one of the programs if you have a chance. :)</p>
<p>selpaso: oh i was interested in the intro to engineering program actually! is it really worth it? how long are classes on a given day? and what do you do on your spare time? do you have a lot of freedom or no? thanks a lot!!!</p>
<p>I went to the summer scholars program this past summer and took the life science course and i highly highly recommend it. Sometimes the classes seemed a little lengthy (9-4 with an hour break for lunch), but the classes were generally very interesting and we had about four field trips and many guest speakers. Just so you get a general idea, we went to the river one day to go wading and test the water purity (which sounds kinda boring, but it was pretty cool), we drove up to lake michigan to go on a nature walk/hang out at the dunes, and went to the south bend medical foundation. Also, every track gets to go spend a day in Chicago, which was very very cool.</p>
<p>In my spare time I honestly spent a lot of it just hanging out on South Quad playing ultimate frisbee and talking to people. Most of the ND facilities are open to you, so you can go swimming or work out when you’re in the mood. However, many of them do close rather early so sometimes it was hard to find things to do after 8 pm. There were some planned activities that you could attend if you wanted like a huge bonfire, a talent show, grotto masses, bowling night, charity work, and two dances. You are pretty much free to do whatever you want to do, but you are not allowed in the opposite sex’s dorms and you have a curfew of either 11 or 12- I can’t remember.</p>
<p>And finally, was it worth it. Without a doubt. During those two weeks I met very interesting people from all over the world (seriously, I knew kids from France, China, and Lebanon) and got a feel for the ND campus. I was shying away from Notre Dame at the end of last year, but after this program it is definitely my number one.</p>
<p>Sorry this is so long- let me know if you have any questions…</p>
<p>althingsgrow: thanks that was really helpful!</p>
<p>one more question: how hard is it to actually get in?? is it like you were applying to notre dame for college (need like 2100+ SAT, etc)…?</p>
<p>The engineering program is awesome you go to class everyday for a few hours and have a lecture on a different facet of engineering from an ND professor, have a long lunch break, and then spend a couple of hours in the engineering learning center working on your group projects (bridge, robot). You have A LOT of free time, and the counselors are a lot of fun to hang around with. I highly recommend going! The app is really easy, and I don’t think it’s that hard to get into.</p>
<p>Son attended the summer eng program as well several years back. I think that it helped him to decide to apply to ND (he already knew he wanted to major in eng). He enjoyed it very much and learned alot about the different areas of engineering. For the cost, it is well worth it-as many of the programs he was interested in were in many cases almost double the cost of ND’s program. And, while many may dispute me, it is my personal opinion that attending the program quite possibly helped in admissions. I am not saying that it guarantees you admissions; however, I think that it does show admissions your interest in ND and your interest in attending a program during the summer that fosters learning. Also, as far as cost, I think they offer some scholarship money for it as well, depending on need, of course.</p>
<p>I agree with notre dame AL, as far as admissions goes. If you provide the director Ramzi as a reference on your application, he will give the admissions office the essays that you write during the program, which I think added another important dimension to my application.</p>
<p>I was a part of the Global issues seminar this summer, and it was truly a life changing experience. Definately consider applying for it, although I was told its acceptance rate was lower than ND’s Regular Decision rate</p>
<p>I was in Summer Scholars last year. It was tons of fun. I was nervous initially, but it turned out to be a great experience. The classes (as above stated) are pretty long, but they’re really interesting so it’s not that bad. Campus is pretty much open as if you were a student, you just have to be back in at some point I don’t remember (I want to say 10 weeknights?) The planned activities aren’t bad, overall awesome experience. I think it also helps with getting in even though they say it doesn’t. Tons of people from last year got in EA (Including me!) so that’s a bonus. </p>
<p>I know it’s pricey, but totally worth it, and I know there’s scholarships available I think you just have to write a letter requesting it.</p>
<p>I don’t think it’s THAT hard to get into the program. Definitely not as hard as the school. I know people in it last year with 27s and not great grades. I wouldn’t worry about it. I suggest you choose to go, it’s great. Good luck</p>
<p>Yeah, I think the only impact your scores/grades would have would be if you get into the course you put as your first choice, so I’m sure you’ll be fine.</p>
<p>JR526- what track did you take?</p>
<p>I don’t think numbers effect the track you get put in. I applied to Psychology with a 34 ACT, high GPA, etc. and got put in my second choice, Dante’s Inferno. I think, if you list ANY of the tracks that don’t get many applicants (Dante’s, Brothers, etc.) you get almost automatically put into that program.</p>
<p>So, as written above, I was in Dante’s (and loved it)</p>
<p>I applied to the ND SS Law program for the 2013 summer and am extremly nervous to find out (still have 2 months and 10 days to go). Anyways, i was wondering if anyone could let me know as to the type of GPA/PSAT an applicant has to have in order to get in. Also, i’d like to to know how many kids are accepted into the law track. </p>
<p>Thanks a lot</p>