Notre Dame Regular Decision Thread - Class of 2023

Shout out to Gracedad! Howzit goin? Just came back from campus dropping off my son after spring break. Had a beer at Legends for ya!

Does anyone know if there is an ND accepted students group chat?

Make one! :slight_smile:

@Horario Just joking haha. Congrats and excited for everyone accepted!

35 ACT
1540 SAT
4.4 W; 3.95 UW GPA
Multiple ECs including leadership positions in sports and the arts
4’s and 5’s on APs except for Physics
Visited campus
Deferred in REA round


@mds17102000 , @TheNewColossus , @PopUpZone1921 , @Devcur , @collegedad1234 , @J123D123 , @bunnah12 , @Angelaiwq , and anyone else who was waitlisted: don’t give up hope. I am sitting at the Notre Dame Duncan Student Center right now doing my homework and 2 years ago I was in your shoes. I created a discussion for students on the ND waitlist this year which you can find here:

My son got accepted to business school. ACT 36, GPA 3.97 UW, 5 AP, 3IB.

waitlisted after being deferred REA :confused:
34 ACT
3.98uw/4.53w GPA
11/315 rank
15 AP classes and 6 honors classes
class officer, spanish honor society co-president, NHS member, volunteer catechist 4 years, various sports including 1 varsity letter
felt like I had good letter of rec and ND specific essays, but my common app essay was a little weak

For all those waiting on Financial Aid letters - I believe the website said they would start rolling them out next week (evening of March 26 per ND website). Our experience last year was that it was 2 or 3 weeks before we got the email followed by hardcopy in the mail.


ACT: 35
Rank: 22/784 (large Texas public school)
Awards: National Merit Finalist
Extracurriculars: Marching band, Symphony Orchestra (#1 orch in Texas), 1st chair trumpet in both + leadership
Volunteer/Community service: None
Summer Activities: Job at Whataburger, marching band camp
Other: I think my essays were pretty solid, and not sure about my teacher recs, but I got a super good rec letter from my private trumpet lesson teacher

Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
Intended Major: Architecture
State (if domestic applicant): Texas
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male
Income Bracket: Lower middle class
Hooks: Not sure if these help or hurt, but out-of-state and non-Catholic

Reflection: Sort of surprised I got in. Haven’t visited yet so not sure how I feel about attending but very happy to be admitted.

Strengths: Testing, GPA, Essays
Weaknesses: Extracurriculars
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Probably my essays
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: So far, accepted to UT Austin and UVA, waitlisted at WashU, still waiting on Rice and USC
Where do you expect you will attend and why? I have a lot to think about to decide where to go, but it’ll likely come down to financial aid.

General Comments: Woo

What a rollercoaster ride of emotions… Our daughter received early acceptances from Grinnell and Washington and Lee. She was waitlisted at Colby and Haverford and rejected from Swarthmore, JHU, Bowdoin, UChicago, and Williams. It was a nice surprise this evening to receive an acceptance notice from Notre Dame. Congrats to all and best of success to everyone.

My son was accepted. My heart goes out for those who were not. I really believe that the applicants to this school are different from other college applicants. They have a special character and a unique way of seeing the world. That does not change regardless of where one is accepted or rejected. Success depends on how one uses the resources available to you. I could site the numerous studies that prove that any student with the grades and scores to get into an elite college will do just as well regardless of whether he attends that school or not. What is more important is recognizing what skills you have and using them to make an impact in our world.
Notre Dame is only one way to do this. You will find the way that is best for you. And if your mind is set on Notre Dame, keep in mind that they take a high number of transfers. Seeking a place to be happy is fruitless. Seeking a purpose ,never is.

Son was accepted - 1510 SAT 4.0 GPA unweighted 4.4 weighted… Lots of APs . Catholic all Boys HS. Lot’s of EC- President/Founder of Philoophy Club, Track, Speech and Debate, Diversity Club, NHS, Pres of Spanish Honor Soc, finished Math offerings at HS by start of Junior year…took 5 courses at Great college(Cal 3, stats etc) lots of volunteer hours, exchange program in Spain. Other accepted schools so far: UVA, Georgia Tech, John’s Hopkins. Rejections: MIT, Caltech. Deferred from Harvard for ED. We are waiting on a bunch of schools on the 28th. Best of luck to all of you…you will do awesome wherever you end up!! I know this is stressfull…as a parent I have had some restless nights worrying

I got accepted!! Feel free to contact me with any questions or get to know me. Snapchat: ethznzainea22 Twitter: ethanzane IG: ethanzzz22 . I look forward to meeting some of my future classmates. Go IRISH!

Notre Dame. Not even a question

Hi JD,

D18 will definitely accept the waitlist. I’m a strong believer in keeping all options open. Wish they could see her at her best but time does not always allow for 3 dimensional considerations. So we move on for now with the chance that she is high up enough on the waitlist.

Thanks Much for the encouragement

@J123D123 we are in the same boat. My son accepted his spot on the wait list super fast!!!

My D19 didn’t get in. Both parents went to ND.

ACT: 34
GPA: u/w-3.89 w-4.15
Tons of ECs - not many leadership positions - school is so big.

She is smarter than both her parents were as a senior in HS. But we were both first-gen.

Son rejected
32 ACT 3.97 GPA
5 AP classes
no class ranking

1 high school in state

on state champion tennis team, honor choir, co-founder student foundation, NHS, etc, etc
son of alumnus