<p>Hey everybody,</p>
<p>I thought I would start the wait list thread for ND hopefuls! This is a great place to post updates on information, as the waiting time comes to a close. It seemed to be helpful to students in previous years, so let's see what it brings this year.</p>
<p>Some schools have already started going to the WL…I pray ND starts soon! Happily my D has found a school where she’ll be happy, but would drop them in a heartbeat if given the chance.</p>
<p>I’m feeling the same way. Last year they started making calls around May 8th. I emailed my admissions counselor today to see if he had any new information about how things are looking for those on the waitlist. I’m not sure if he will be able to tell me much, but there’s always hope!</p>
<p>I heard from my admissions counselor today that students should be hearing soon about the wait list. Good luck to everyone!</p>
<p>soon…such a loosey, goosey term. Prayers being said…and fingers being crossed. Just hope God’s plan aligns with what my D sees as her plan.</p>
<p>It is a loose term. It’s also hard to say whether the tone was positive, negative, or neutral. He also just stated “students,” so I don’t know if that means everyone will hear (if no one will be accepted off the waitlist?) or if just admitted students will hear. It is SO easy to read too much into the emails from my admissions counselor, especially when all I want to hear is decisive news. So anxious. If anyone else has heard anything, keep us updated!</p>
<p>It’s official today - Notre Dame is NOT going to the waitlist this year.</p>
<p>I can confirm the news…</p>
<p>Sad day
did you find out by mail?</p>
<p>Are you completely sure? I tried to email my admissions counselor to see if this was true and got no response. I talked with him before and he predicted that they would pull at least some from the waitlist… this was before May 1 though.</p>
<p>Yes, heard from a most reliable source. So upsetting. Still praying for a miracle though. I believe letters will be mailed by end of week. If anyone hears differently, I would love to know. It has been an excrutiatingly long senior year.</p>
<p>Heard from school counselor who was in direct contact on behalf of my DD. ND ’ s acceptance rate higher than expected. Yes, disappointing news.</p>
<p>Embrace the schools that loved you and accepted you. Get involved in that ciampus life. Recognize your strengths, and blessings, and share your incredible talents with the school community where you enrolled.</p>
<p>I guess it’s not really final until everyone receives letters or some kind of communication about it. I know in 2011 they were talking about not accepting anyone from the waitlist and ended up taking a handful. Still hoping for the best since I’m not exactly excited to attend my backup. It wouldn’t surprise me if ND had a higher yield than normal because I’ve heard that while yields are going down for most schools they seem to be increasing for the ivies and other prestigious schools.</p>
<p>Kozemzak I’m hoping against hope too. I too heard that too many were accepted and they’re actually hoping that people change their minds and say No. I don’t know if Im ready to embrace the next choice.</p>
<p>Yeah I just found out that this is true from my admissions guy. I am really devastated, as Notre Dame is by far my first choice and has been since I was about 5. I have a HUGE family history there, and I plan on continuing the tradition by transferring next year. Best of luck to all of you in similar situations! I understand how hard it is. I’m just going to embrace my new school for now, and look forward to this fall.</p>
<p>I am hearing so many stories of well qualified students not getting in these past few years. Students with outstanding grades, test scores, EC’s, and legacy connections. I understand your disappointment, frustration (this sucks!) and wish you strength and perserverance in achieving your educational and career goals.</p>
<p>If you are part of this thread and were waitlisted at ND, I know you are incredibly talented and have plenty to offer a college community.</p>
<p>Where are some of you enrolled for your freshman year?</p>
<p>Do you think they will do some sort of extended waitlist like they did last year in case enough people withdraw their enrollment? Right now I’m enrolled at Lawrence U.</p>
<p>Maybe somehow, things will change. How does the extended waitlist work?</p>
<p>I’m not exactly sure. I emailed my admissions rep today to see if they really won’t be accepting anyone off the wait list and unfortunately he is out of the office. It seems like the wait list thread starts like this every year: a few people hear no one will be accepted, but lo and behold they take a few. I would suggest checking out the 2011 wait list thread… it made me a little more hopeful. Honestly, I’m not ready to give up until I have a rejection letter in my hand. Even then I’ll contact my admissions rep and see what I need to do to transfer.</p>
<p>After re-reading last years waitlist thread I was actually discouraged rather than encouraged. At no time did anyone say that ND was definitely NOT going to the waitlist and they accepted fewer applicants. But Im still praying!</p>