Notre Dame Waitlist Advice

Hi! I thought I would reach out on here because I was deferred, waitlisted and accepted for the class of 2023 at Notre Dame! I know how nerve-wracking it can be to wait this long, but I’m just here to say:
-Reach out to your admissions counselor! I’m sure you’ve all heard this, but keep them updated with anything new, and if you are seriously committed to ND, say you will 100% attend if admitted (I know this is tough with financial aid, but this is what I did) My admissions counselor mentioned that he really appreciated how I reached out to him throughout the process.
Choosing to stay on the waitlist was scary at first, but I am SO glad I did because going to ND was the best choice I have ever made. I got a phone call offering admission on May 3rd, and I know that’s pretty soon. If I can answer any questions please let me know! I know exactly the feeling that many of you have right now.

@sandy213 Did you reach out several times or just once? I confirmed my spot on the waitlist about a month ago and recently got my letter of continued interest out. I have emailed my admissions rep a few times in the past asking general questions.

@randomguy23143 So I reached out once in between being deferred and being waitlisted, and once I accepted a spot on the waitlist I sent one email saying I was still interested and updated them on some new things I was doing that spring like becoming captain of the lacrosse team and senior projects etc. I think questions are good to ask to an extent, but tell them why you still deserve a spot and how you are continuing to be involved and busy. I know it’s tricky with all that’s going on right now. If you are 100% committed to ND let them know! I think that is a huge piece of how I was accepted.

I’m a senior at Notre Dame this year and wanted to share some insights on another program available to some students on the ND waitlist. If you haven’t heard of the Gateway Program, here’s some tips on what it is and what it entails: Your regional admissions counselor should have more information on it as well — it’s a hidden gem that around 75 students participate in to gain entry every year. Best of luck to everyone!

Hi Sandy, excuse my interrupting you after 2 years. I just knew I got waitlisted by Notre Dame, and I really want to show my interest and commitment. So I want to know how you found the admissions counsellor (on the official website?)? What specific new updates did you share? Had they sent you a confirmation email after they receive your love letter?


The OP has not been on CC for two years. Please do not reopen such old posts. Closing.