Notre Dame waitlist current 2026 entry

Anyone else on the waitlist? Do offers come out altogether or are they staggered? I know it’s a long shot as 3000 were waitlisted :roll_eyes:

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Yeah they’re staggered, last year they started on April 23rd. As far as I know, it’s usually about 60% of waitlisted people who accept their place, so it’s still a lot of people but not as bad

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My son never got called before WL closed last year, but as KT mentioned the 2025 RD thread shows that last year AO’s started calling on cell phones or emailing people as early as April 23. And some of those people were then also given until May 1 to decide I remember reading. I assume Notre Dame started some WL movement at that point in April based on how much yield they had already and wanted to fill their class ASAP. WL was closed by May 15. So if you haven’t yet, send in your LOCI asap. Probably important to say you will come there if they admit you. The good news for those called in April is that they did not ever have to deposit somewhere else because they were called off the ND WL before May 1.

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Hoping someone can help…how do you actual email with your actually admin counselor at ND? Every time my daughter has tried to email the Northeast Team (4 people!), it just goes to the generic admissions email and someone else not on the team responds with something somewhat generic. She’s never been able to actually communicate personally with anyone. All the others schools she feels like she’s had a personal “email relationship” but not ND.

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I’m not much help but our daughter has had the same issue when sending any emails…always a “generic” admissions email…she has always addressed any emails specifically to her regional counselor that she met with at school back in October and then also recognizes the rest of the admissions team as a group. She has searched and searched for an individual email but has never had any luck finding anything!

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Thanks so much for your reply! I guess it’s good we are not alone. It’s such a shame because it makes the whole process so anonymous. She has done the same as you said and addressed her emails to the Northeast regional team and then listed all their names but never gets anything back from them directly. Oh well!

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Yes, you are not alone. The ND admission team was very unresponsive to my son as well. He reached out several times trying to talk to someone on the Mid-Atlantic team and was told, repeatedly, that he could not talk to an Admissions Counselor and got a generic email from the admissions office. Of all the schools he applied to the ND admissions office was the least responsive and least helpful.

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Anyone hear anything yet? I know they say May 1st but have heard that in years past they have started earlier.

Nope and I haven’t heard of anyone who has. The past couple years have been April 23, but since that was on a Saturday this year and the office was closed, I suspect people will start hearing today.

Try your HS college counseling office. We were able to get the email addresses of the admissions reps assigned to our state/high school (likely “off the record”).

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But a public HS doesn’t have it. I assume.

Yeah, my son went to a public high school in DC and because of virtual learning due to COVID-19 did not know his counselor and has only met with her once. We had to constantly remind her to submit the counselor recommendations on time. I’m not sure they were helpful even since they were probably very generic since she really didn’t know my son.

Good luck everyone. Does anyone know if they are more likely to offer those who can pay full fees or is the process needs blind?

Any updates from anyone who’s heard about any waitlist movement? Holding out hope but really wish we had some indication about whether ND thought there would be any movement this year.

The latest we heard is that the Office of Undergraduate Admissions was running ahead of their deposit objectives before the confirmation deadline, and therefore seeks to avoid an over enrollment scenario for the coming academic year. Presumably, after the dust has settled after May 1st, some waitlisted students will be admitted - possibly a lower number than the 100 students admitted by ND from the waitlist on average during previous admission cycles.


Thank you for sharing…

My daughter is still hoping :pensive:. It’s a bummer for all those waitlisted that this admission cycle was the most competitive yet. Good luck to all the other hopefuls!

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All the best of luck and success to your daughter and all the family! Expect to see admissions from the waiting list beginning of the week, subject to confirmation of the ND May 1st yield rate.

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We’re in the same situation this week…praying for the waitlist miracle for our daughter as well…that’s truly what it would be!

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@Momof-3 Good luck and all success to your daughter! Students on the ND waiting list this year are truly exceptional and very qualified to be admitted!