<p>I omitted 4.</p>
<p>i omitted only 3. which ones did you omit?</p>
<p>Didn’t omit any but almost ran out of time. Thank god the last 7 or 8 weren’t too hard.</p>
<p>LAST 4 , out of time.</p>
<p>it was so easy…
i had to make sure a couple of times that i was doing math level 2, instead of 1
how were they for you??</p>
<p>I thought it was really easy but then again I thought the SAT I math was really both times I took it and missed a question both times.</p>
<p>i had to make sure a couple of times that i was doing math level 2, instead of 1</p>
<p>rofl I did the same thing like 3 times. I still ended up skipping 4 tho =/ (#'s 30, 47, 48, and 50). I think I’ll be lucky to get 750+</p>
<p>which ones were hard?</p>
<p>omg u guys kidding me ? I missed so many
maybe I was not fast enough damn</p>
<p>i took it on sunday (today) & ran out of time. i didn’t think the test was hard per se but i didn’t have enough time… what do u guys think the 800 cut off will be?</p>