Nov 6 program for high school students @ BC (free)

<p>BC students have created a one day program based on the highly successful MIT Splash program. I don’t have any connection to this program - but it looks like it will be a great day!</p>

<p>[Learn</a> about BC Splash](<a href=“]Learn”></p>

<p>Splash at BC aims to broaden the academic horizons of high school students by offering a wide variety of courses all taught by the undergraduates. This year BC Splash is scheduled for November 6th, 2010 and will run from 10:00AM - 4:00PM</p>

<p>BC Splash is a rare opportunity both for undergraduate and high school students. BC undergraduates have the opportunity to share and showcase their passions in a classroom setting while high school students are immersed in the college environment for a whole day. They have the chance to explore the campus, network with undergraduates, and take classes in a wide variety of subjects. Sample classes from this year’s course catalog include:</p>

<p>“Thinking about Thinking: Philosophy and Reasoning in the Western World”
“Lightning and Levitation: Visualizing Electricity and Magnetism”
“The Modern Beats of Irish Dance”
“Lady Gaga in Pop Culture”</p>

<p>If you have any questions, e-mail our team at <a href=""></a> or call 617.297.7524</p>