NOVA Challenge Business Contest

<p>does naybody know how many peoplare a applying to nova this year?</p>

<p>^ Considering how much interest I’ve seen, I would say quite a lot. I would also warn people from saying “this is so easy zomfg” because that only increases the applicant pool. Good luck to all :)</p>

<p>hahaha thats very true but this thread is a good way to share ideas and create a team enterprise portfolio team.</p>

<p>How much is the prize?</p>

<p>On the website it’s 1000$ for 1st place nat</p>

<p>Dude the [NOVA</a> Challenge](<a href=“”> has lots of events and they don’t have too many restrictions. It’s awesome u get to decide how you wanna approach the prompt urself. And extra
$$ on the side isn’t bad</p>

<p>hey does anybody have any ideas for emerging econ?</p>

<p>Has anybody applied for the new event of INVESTMENT BANKING II yet? It’s really tough. who would be crazy enough to do it?</p>

<p>Yea, for the Investment Banking one I can just imagine some Wharton bound kid who has interned at Blackstone since he or she was 13 making any application I would submit worthless. </p>

<p>Also, it seems like the same people keep commenting here. If you all want to put together something for the Team Enterprise Portfolio thing I’m game. I don’t see anything that requires you go to the same school. There will probably not be a large amount of comprehensive group applicants for that one too. We could collaborate on the essay and pick from ourselves a CEO and CFO as well as other executives. I’m president of my class and have followed the markets closely for years so I would be able to bring that leadership and trading experience to the table.</p>

<p>^ I agree with Cognonaut above. I created a google group for these competitions. PM me for an invite.</p>

<p>does anybody know if the NOVA challenge has any divisions in semifinalist/finalist? </p>

<p>or is it straight to winning :D</p>

<p>The NOVA challenge has some semifinalist divisions for some and straight to winning for others.</p>

<p>Which ones have semifinalist divisons? I don’t see it on the site.</p>

<p>I think that the [Nova</a> Business Contest](<a href=“”> has 3 semifinalists the eastern national winner western national and central national winner. If you pass from there i think you might get national winner. Is that right? I mean that’s what it looks like. Not entirely sure though</p>

<p>I posted a small explanation on te semifinalist/finalist dilemma early. please check one of the later posts</p>

<p>The [Nova</a> Challenge Business Contest](<a href=“”> is adding more events. Pretty cool more things to apply for!</p>

<p>^ Which events are being added?</p>

<p>I remember the [Nova</a> Challenge Business Contest](<a href=“”> had business tech, international business w/ foreign affairs prompt, and the business programming prompts up last time. I wonder if they will have those prompts posted up soon. Maybe or maybe not this year.</p>

<p>? I don’t remember a business programming prompt…what was that about?</p>

<p>I think we’re going to find out soon about the prompts, just keep checking <a href=“”></a></p>