Nova Engineering

<p>I'm currently a senior and am about 90% sure I will be going to Villanova next year. I was accepted to the college of engineering as a computer engineer major. I love math and computers and figured that i would start with the hardest major that has to dow ith these subjects, then if engineering is too difficult, switch to something else. I really want to be an engineer, yet I realize it is very difficult. My question is if Villanova is a good school as far as being able to transfer from computer engineering to say a computer science or math major. Does anyone know if the engineering classes will still count towards my gpa? Also.. anyone out there have any advice on what I can do before I start in the fall to make engineering a little easier to grasp first semester??</p>

<p>Also, I will most likely be deciding between Bucknell, Purdue, Villanova,Scranton, Syracuse, or UDel and notre dame if i get accepted(i was deferred from EA) for my college</p>

<p>any thoughts???</p>

<p>Try posting here:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>They may be able to advise you more specifically about the Villanova issues, but your engineering courses will almost certainly count towards your overall GPA.</p>

<p>Don’t overload your schedule, look for some other classmates that you can study with and do problem sets with, and absolutely don’t hesitate to attend office hours and ask for help for ANYTHING you don’t understand-- engineering knowledge is cumulative, and if you don’t make sure that the foundation you’re building your knowledge on is solid, you’re going to be up a creek without a paddle. Good luck!</p>