this thread is for people to brag about getting into the nov 22nd idp.
letters should be coming in a couple of days…nervous!!!
<p>He was in the Nov 22 IDP, had a great time, loves Bard more than the first time he was there and we are all crossing our fingers!</p>
<p>tell him good luck!!</p>
<p>I assume they went out monday, could be tomorrow? whew!!!</p>
<p>I know ahhhhh!!!</p>
<p>so i read that out of people who do early action at bard, im considering idp EA, 60% get accepted, according to their website…
however, it also says that 75% have a GPA greater than3.5…if they ignored my freshman year, which i explained to them in my interview as a hard transition year, i would have a 3.5, but alas i only have a 3.3 weighted b/c of my 2.9 in freshman year…
i would be so much more confident in getting in if i only had that 3.5 :(</p>
<p>my son had really horrible grades freshman and sophemore years, and was sick and missed 8 weeks of junior year and had to make up a lot in the summer. He is doing very well now, but none of that is on transcript yet. His essays are spretty extraordinary, and test scores quite good,but he is definitely not in the 3.5 category, has a 3.3 last year, but sophemore and junior year are far far worse…we won’t even go there… however he is in an intense private prep school where there is no such thing as a weighted grade, all classes are considered ap, but really none are officially, so it is really difficult to judge. We have been looking at the UC, university of California system, and it is really hard to apply because it’sall based on numbers…</p>
<p>yeah the UC’s are like that, that’s why I like Bard, because they’re not AS concerned with the #'s…</p>
<p>That really sucks though…because i know exactly what he must be feeling. I would so erase that year if i could…
AW i hope we both get in!!
I’m in a pretty intense private school too…But we do have weighted grades, and although some of the classes aren’t considered AP, they might as well be ya know?</p>
<p>I think that Bard knows my school pretty well though, because we have a lot of students that go there…</p>
<p>My son’s at Dalton in NY city and last year 11 applied and 8 got in, but no one IDP, don’t have a clue what is happening this year, although I don’t think as many go to Bard from Dalton as from St. Anns, for example… where do you go?</p>
<p>the solebury school in new hope PA
<p>waiting for the mailman…going crazyyyyy!!!</p>
<p>DD participated in IDP on November 21st, and she just received her letter.</p>
<p>Accepted and attending!</p>
<p>I just got my letter i got accepted!!!</p>
<p>We are still waiting, should know soon!!! my son and husband are going crazy at home, I am going crazy at work. Margot</p>
<p>That’s weird seeing as you live closer to bard than i do…hmmm…
GOOD LUCK!!!</p>
<p>CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF YOU ON THIS THREAD!!! We are still taking it in!!!</p>
<p>We can hardly take it in!!!</p>