<p>how long till we get the official mail!?</p>
<p>^ I would guess friday or saturday</p>
<p>Probably not til next week for me, since I'm all the way across the country</p>
<p>I am leaving tonight for a vacation....I want the letter NOOOOOOOOWWWWW.</p>
<p>ummm is there a facebook group for those who got in? I know there's one for CaS but is there one for CALS? Thanks and Congrats everyone!</p>
<p>haha abanks, I am a CCer and I am proud......not really..lol..people already know who I am on CC since I wasn't creative enough to come up with a different username so I didn't mind posting on that page....lol
If I can do it, you can too....</p>
<p>yo abanks were definitely going to be like roomates or something and not know it...regarding roomates, is everyone doing random?</p>
<p>uhh..I hope not. I had a really bad experience with a roommate 2 summers ago at CSC. </p>
<p>I think nowadays, people create those "roommate match" groups on facebook, and people list out their preferences (time of sleep, partying, studying, habits, interests, etc.), and they pick each other from there.</p>
<p>hi there hzbball34.</p>
<p>Hey, you guys recieved your fin aid yet?</p>
<p>i got mine on tuesday.</p>
<p>I got a letter saying "your financial aid information will come soon". hahaa</p>
<p>^ My friend got that same letter, I wonder why..well , good luck!</p>
<p>hmm, so we've all moved our posts to the facebook boards?</p>
<p>Did anyone receive a full-ride from Cornell?</p>
<p>you mean...as in no loans and all grants? Hahha, I doubt it.</p>
<p>Yeah, no loans and all grants. Is that even possible, even with, for example, an EFC of 0 and $20,000 AGI?</p>
<p>i got into ILR. When I found out, i screamed so loud my housekeeper called the cops. She let them in and they ran to my bedroom where I was still screaming bloody murder. It was hysterical.</p>
<p>Live</a> Campus View
I've been looking at this like every day. How beautiful!</p>
<p>LOL..so YOU were that person (or one of them..hahha)?? I think someone talked about an incident like that on a thread last month or something</p>
<p>CongratZ! It'll be really cool if you guys posted stats though, i'm applying in 4 years and can't wait!!!!!</p>