Now is the time to submit apps for Summer REU's

<p>[</a> - Search for an REU Site - US National Science Foundation (NSF)](<a href=“]”></p>

<p>Available for the following major/disciplines…</p>

<p>Astronomical Sciences
Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences
Biological Sciences
Computer and Information Science and Engineering
Department of Defense (DoD)
Earth Sciences
Education and Human Resources
Ethics and Values Studies
International Science and Engineering
Materials Research
Mathematical Sciences
Ocean Sciences
Polar Programs
Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences</p>

<p>Go to the link and click on the desired discipline…</p>

<p>REU’s usually include HOUSING, a STIPEND…and often travel expenses.</p>

<p>When you ask profs for LORs…give them a month timeframe, and give them a DEADLINE. Send reminders. Provide them the “how to submit LOR” info.</p>

<p>Send an email to each prof requesting a LOR, attach a resume. Offer to meet with them to discuss. Many will just skip the meeting and write/send the LOR.</p>

<p>putting some in one spot</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; * Amgen Scholars</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

Are Freshmen starting from Spring 2015 elligible?


Do you know if similar summer opportunities exist for students in the business school?


@AlbionGirl‌ Do you mean REU’s? or just summer internships of any kind? Yes, there are. The Bschool would know about those. Look at the Bschool website under each type…finance, acctng, marketing, etc.

Which area are you interested in?

I’m inquiring for my son who is majoring in Economics at Culverhouse. He’s found this page

but it basically says that you need to find your own internship. I was just wondering if there was anywhere he could look that had specific opportunities he could apply for.

I don’t think it’s saying saying that…

To meet one-on-one with the internship coordinator, please schedule an appointment through Student Services in 10 Bidgood Hall or at 205-348-4537. Students cannot schedule internship appointments using the online scheduling system. Whenever you come for an appointment, verbally notify the reception staff in 10 Bidgood first, there is no need to sign in for an internship advising appointment, and then walk up to 250 Bidgood. You may also e-mail or phone the coordinator with questions (see below).

Students can also discuss internships with Culverhouse Academic Advisors, or with the Career Center@Culverhouse staff in 250 Bidgood Hall, or in the main Career Center office at the Ferguson Center.

Employers with staffing needs or trainee opportunities that may be compatible with the internship program should e-mail the internship coordinator a brief description of primary job duties. Please include the hourly wage, weekly work hours, location, and internship duration dates comparable to UA’S ACADEMIC CALENDAR.

Only juniors and seniors who are academically poised to accept professional challenges may enroll into the 400-level internship “course.” As these student interns master routine tasks and build experience in their majors, they are expected to train with supervision, as would entry-level employees, to develop a working knowledge of overall company operations.

Once an employer has submitted an internship proposal and it has been approved for academic credit, the internship coordinator will post the position so that students can apply directly to the opening. Employers, please arrange interviews with the students of interest who have applied or contact the internship coordinator if you would like to interview on campus.

Kristi Wheeler-Griffin, M.Ed.
Internship Coordinator
Box 870223
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487

How can I participate in the Culverhouse internship program?
COMPLETE AN APPLICATION and submit it online. You DO NOT need to await a response. Proceed with your internship search when you submit your application. Your application WILL be approved if you meet the requirements detailed here. Your application for internship credit is is for Culverhouse records and will not be distributed; it is separate from your individual applicantions to various internships.

Since this program allows internship self-selection, no placement will be made for you.You must apply to each internship you find that is of interest according to its individual instructions, via CrimsonCareers, on the company web site, etc. Although there are no guarantees, internship experiences are plentiful if you are persistent and creative.


I’ll advise him to try this as a first step and see what happens.
Thanks for your reply.