<p>I was just rejected ED from Bowdoin. And now I am trying to scramble to apply to a few more schools. Vanderbilt and Colorado College both have ED2, but I am not sure if I want to use that option. Though I am really leaning towards CC. Mind you, my best friend just got accepted to Colorado College ED and we go to the same school.</p>
<p>ACT: 30
GPA: 3.75 (unweighted)
APs: AP Gov-5
AP Bio-4
Very Strong Essays
Very Strong Recommendations</p>
Lacrosse Team Captain
Hockey Team Captain
Opinions Editor for newspaper
...and a bunch of other smaller clubs, etc</p>
<p>My Friend had a ACT 28, 3.8 GPA, no substantial activities, AP's were 3,4, and decent essays. But he was ED, so that obviously helped?</p>
<p>Can I get in EDII? Can I get in Regular? Because if I can I might apply to Vanderbilt, and what are my chances there?</p>