Now that I'm in, I have a housing question

<p>What happens if my roommate and I both request Myers, but only one of us gets into honors? Do they unroommate us and put the honors one into Myers? Or do they keep us together and put neither of us in Myers?</p>

<p>Thanks. :)</p>

<p>I know that you can’t get into Myers simply by being the roommate of someone who’s in Honors, so you’d probably end up either apart or together elsewhere. Try asking Housing to make sure though.</p>

<p>Thanks. If I don’t put Myers as one of my choices when I register for housing, will I still be able to get a room in Myers once I know if my roommate and I are in Honors?</p>

<p>vig180 is right. If one of you get into the Honors program and the other does not, then you two will be split. You both must be in Honors to get into Myers.</p>

<p>I know priority goes to honors students in Myers, but it is possible to live there without being in the program. It all just depends on the number of honors kids wanting to live there.</p>