Now that I've been accepted, I have some questions!

<p>First off, I really want to thank Mom2collegekids for recommending Alabama to me. I was a little hesitant at first but I am really excited now about attending.</p>

<p>Well now that I am in, I have some questions and I would really appreciate it if anyone can help me!</p>

<li><p>My MyBama account has not gotten any new tabs, even though I have gotten the official letter of acceptance. WHat should I do about this?</p></li>
<li><p>For the first year, should I have a car with me? Is it easier to just walk/take public transportation?</p></li>
<li><p>Is it ok cook occasionally in college the first year, even though you have a meal plan?
And I am curious about crock pots. Why are those allowed? I’ve never used one but I thought it was unsafe to leave food unattended.</p></li>
<li><p>Can you only access your Bama email through MyBama or is it possible to set up the account so I can get emails through my phone?</p></li>
<li><p>We plan on possibly visiting the campus sometime during winter break. What are some important things I should ask or make note of while I am there? Are there any places within a few hours from the campus that we should visit while we are there?</p></li>
<li><p>Holidays! What holidays will I be able to go home for?</p></li>
<li><p>Is everyone in the south really as friendly as I have been hearing? Because that whole “hospitality” thing isn’t very common where I live haha! </p></li>
<li><p>Is it considered weird to buy/wear a lot of college gear and memorabilia when I am there? </p></li>
<li><p>What should I be doing right now up until next year to prepare me for going off to a college so far away?</p></li>

<p>Thanks to anyone who answers!!!</p>


<p>See, I told you that you’d be accepted. (now change your screenname…lol)</p>

<p>Are you sure that you don’t have new tabs? That’s weird. Can you do a screen shot and post? </p>

<p>The car issue is up to you. it can be a good thing, but you also could become a target for “Can you give me a ride to…” lol (if you do bring a car, make it a policy that you do not loan out your car.) </p>

<p>You’re in Calif…would you drive here?</p>

<p>I don’t think crock pots are allowed. I think cooking items need an auto shut off. </p>

<p>But, yes, you can cook your first year. </p>

<p>You can get emails thru your phone. My kids did. But I don’t know if they had their Crimson emails forwarded to a gmail acct or what. Someone here would know.</p>

<p>After you set up your campus tour, contact your Bama area rep with your visit dates. He/she will arrange the rest of your day. Tell your rep your major etc.</p>

<p>As for things to do while in Ttown, look at the Sticky thread…there’s a link.</p>

<p>You’ll be able to go home for: T-giving, Christmas Break, Spring Break. Fall break is short, so that may not be a good time to go home. </p>

<p>Yes, it’s friendly here.</p>

<p>Yes, people buy Bama gear when they visit!!!</p>

<p>Enjoy senior year, get good grades, and relax.</p>


<li><p>The car debate depends on you. My child brought her bike and lives on it. Are you close enough to home that you would drive? D you want to pay for parking is a question you have to ask too. If you are unsure, try to leave it at home and you can always bring it at a later time.</p></li>
<li><p>Most appliances are not allowed in dorm rooms. You would have to take them to the kitchen area. Some dorms have grills in the courtyard. My child does use the dorm (Presidential) oven for baking cookies sometime. You might get a taste for something some night so you might want to cook. I would not bring a bunch of kitchen items until you see what you will need. I just sent her a baking sheet, pot holder and spatula because of the need. No need to carry and have to store unnecessary items in your dorm room if they are not needed.</p></li>
<li><p>Visit the town area and get a sense of your new home away from home. Ask to go in classes if possible. Ask to speak to an advisor in your intended major. Visit the different dorms and see what one you think would work for you. </p></li>
<li><p>Labor Day, Fall break, thanksgiving, Christmas and spring break are the big four breaks you might make plans on going home for. Flights are out of Birmingham so depending on availability and prices these are things you will have to budget and plan on. There is a shuttle that you will pay for that takes you from school to the airport.</p></li>
<li><p>People are people but I have always found people from the south are a bit more open, talkative a friendly BUT UA is made up of a ton of out of state students. </p></li>
<li><p>The stores will LOVE you if you start building your Bama attire now!! No weirdo thoughts about you at all.</p></li>
<li><p>Apply and pay your housing deposit ASAP. Enjoy your senior year! And of course I am a parent so I have to make a plug and say cherish your time with your family! </p></li>

<p>ROLL TIDE</p>

<p>Ok…WillGetIn… ;)</p>

<p>I see that you’re debating about a major and want to be premed. </p>

<p>You say that you’re not strong in math. Ok…don’t pick a major that requires a lot of math. lol </p>

<p>What are your strengths? English? History? Bio? </p>

<p>You need to pick a major that plays to your interests and strengths so that your cum GPA is high. </p>

<p>When you do take a math class, sign up for the free tutoring at the tutoring center RIGHT AWAY so you don’t get behind.</p>

<p>Now…for premed…</p>

<p>You made a wise choice to go to Bama and this is why: Calif is BRUTAL for premeds. There are too many premeds, and not enough med school seats.</p>

<p>The state of Alabama’s med schools, on the other hand, will give preference to OOS students who attend Alabama colleges. So, if you do well (GPA and MCAT), you have a good chance of getting into, at least, South (Univ of South Alabama College of Medicine)…a very good MD school. So, you’re in a better situation than most of your fellow Calif premeds. And, South has been known to give merit to OOS students to cut down the OOS costs for their med school. </p>

<p>BTW…EVERY US MD school is excellent. This country doesn’t have any “so so” MD med schools. They are all VERY GOOD. So, attending ANY of them is fine. Med school education in the US is flat.</p>

<p>Thank you to everyone who answered!!! </p>

<p>I will try to figure out how to post a screenshot soon, but just for clarification, my tabs are:</p>

<p>Home, Academics, Library, Campus Life, Tech, Student.</p>

<p>I don’t know. Are these the only ones I am supposed to have?</p>

<p>And I got the idea that crockpots with auto shut off were allowed because under the housing links on their webpage it says</p>

Your room will have a microfridge which is
a microwave, freezer, and refrigerator all-inone unit. Please do not bring any additional
microwaves or refrigerators. HRC does not permit open-flame appliances or appliances where the food comes into direct contact with the heat source; this includes charcoal or gas grills, George Foreman-type grilling appliances, candles, toaster-ovens and hotplates. Students are encouraged to utilize appliances with an automatic shut-off feature in their space, such as a coffee pot, crockpot or rice cooker (with an automatic shut-off).</p>

<p>This is there when I click Residence Halls> Lakeside (just using for example)> Preparing to live in Lakeside?</p>

<p>Oh yes, I forgot that there were a lot of out-of-state kids there! My aunt said she visited one time and she said so many people were nice to her, and I heard it online a few times, so I thought, it must be true!</p>


<p>“Student” is the new tab that is often mentioned. That one isn’t there until you are accepted. Click on that to see things like the link to pay enrollment deposit, scholarship applications, etc.</p>

<p>My son has his UA e-mail automatically forwarded to his gmail account, so he receives, and can respond to, everything on his phone. It’s very easy to set up.</p>

<p>Sounds like if the crock pot has an auto shut-off, it’s fine.</p>

<p>Yes, go to the Academics tab, scroll down left column. See if there’s a link to to pay freshman enrollment. If so, you’re good.</p>

<p>Submit scholarship app…even if you don’t have the right scores yet.</p>

<p>Sounds like you have all the tabs now.</p>

<p>Also…if you get the scores for the Honors College, then have the HC set up the rest of your day after you set up your campus tour.</p>

<p>I’m not sure what dates there are tours over Christmas Break. What are the dates of your break???</p>

<p>Our break is December 23-January 6. If they don’t have any tours during this time then I am totally ok with going at another time. </p>

<p>And thanks malanai! I will try and set it up asap.</p>

<p>[Campus</a> Visits - Undergraduate Admissions - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Campus”>Visit)</p>

<p>go to the above and see when there are tours. Don’t wait too long. The seats book fast.</p>

<p>CONGRATS!!! Spend plenty of time when you do visit in Tuscaloosa and then if you so desire in Birmingham. It is a beautiful area! Yes, start buying your Bama gear when you visit. </p>

<p>As for the appliances allowed, I thought when I looked last year it said no crockpots. Interesting that it says not to bring any additional refrigerators. Even if you are in a suite some kids find that having a small dorm fridge in their own personal room a nice place to keep things if they happen to have a roommate that believes the common fridge in the kitchen to be everything up for grabs. Then, in the old style dorms with the small dorm fridge provided, it does not hold a lot. We had one so we brought it. D has it under her bed. So, the fridge provided holds all of their food and other items while the one under her bed holds all of their bottled water. D did not think she would need it and we brought it anyway. Now they are both glad we did. </p>

<p>D took her car, her roommate did not. Is it needed? No. Is it nice to have if she wants to go to Target or shopping of whatnot whenever she has the time/need? Yes. She does not drive it much. </p>

<p>What you can start doing now to go off to college? Save your money. If you don’t need something, don’t get it. Start buying things along the way that you will need to keep the burden off from a huge splurge of spending this summer. I bought D’s bedding for Christmas. When the spring white sales started going on I bought sheets, towels, etc. Then when it was time to get everything for college we had already gotten most of it while her friends where busy trying to get everything we were done. Then you and your parents are not hit with all of those expenses, textbooks, tuition, etc. Ask for Visa gift cards or gift cards to places like Target and Best Buy for Christmas, birthday, etc. Save these to use for expenses that come up while you are off at school. There is a Target and Best Buy in Tuscaloosa.</p>

<p>Thank you very much TxNewCollegeMom! Maybe crockpots are not allowed. I doubt I would ever use one anyway so I don’t think I would take one, but I was just going off what their site says.</p>

<p>Remember, there are no dishwashers ;)<br>
My D is in Tut so the common kitchen is down the hall and for all residents. It would not be like she could leave it there for a bit to soak to clean it up. And no garbage disposals either. Her and her roommate are both in sororities so they have food and snacks available at their houses. What they like to keep in their dorm are things like pop tarts, granola and protein bars, fresh fruit, pretzels, etc. Just quick breakfast grab and go things and light snacks, and her favorite Easy Mac.</p>

<p>Wontgetin: Please Don’t post a screen shot if the page includes any private information such as name or CWID number.</p>

<p>Robotbldmom, that’s why I was a little hesitant about posting one. I couldn’t find a way to avoid exposing my full name. Thanks for the reminder though, I probably would have mistakenly posted it anyway.</p>

<p>Wontgetin - do you have an iphone? Getting your crimson email sent to it is easy.</p>

<p>No, I have a galaxy note 2. Darn, I guess I’ll just have to search around a bit more to find out how to do it lol.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks a lot!!! </p>

<p>But is the password for the account the same as our Mybama password?</p>