Now that kids are registered...

<p>curiouser- good luck to your son. My D ended up planning out two different schedules last night and by this morning only 1 was still doable. The actual registration went smoothly and only took minutes. It is all the planning that is time consuming. She is also undeclared and so felt like she could have used some clearer guidelines as to what to take.
She ended up with engl at night but all and all she is pretty happy with how it turned out.
Does anyone know how the registration times are handed out?</p>

<p>Well I emailed and they replied. Results: Freshman are limited to 18 hours. So I guess no TIDE for me until next semester, I dont really mind.</p>

Sorry if this was already answered, I just skimmed through the responses. In the past (my son is a senior), labs did not meet on weeks where every section could not attend class. If your son's lab is on Tuesday, another student from his class might have a Thursday lab; as that section could not meet, either would the Tuesday section. </p>

<p>My son has always come home on Tuesday; many classes do get cancelled, or a friend that doesn't need to leave as early takes notes. I also found classes being cancelled when the rain was really bad. This happened to my son a couple of times; once he got an email from the prof saying he wasn't coming!</p>

<p>Thank you, pokey. That should help us figure out about air travel that week.</p>

<p>I just talked to my son to double check about labs. He did say that labs only meet during a full week of school. If there is a short week or unexpected holidays (like the hurricanes) then labs are also adjusted. For example, If school were closed on a Wednesday, with Monday and Tuesday students already completing a lab, then those students would get a later lab class off so that the others could catch up.</p>

<p>As far as Tuesday regular classes before Thanksgiving, some are cancelled and others not. It is up to the teachers to decided.</p>

<p>My son went through his freshman registration today and all went exceedingly well. He got everything he wanted, once he adjusted
for some classes that had filled up through yesterday. All in all, he's pretty happy with the classes and the times. Earliest is 10am 3 days a week, otherwise 11 am. I told him to be grateful for such an excellent schedule as a freshman!</p>

<p>It feels good to have this done....seems more real now.</p>

<p>Well, jmmom, looks like my dd is in chem lab with your ds! Her scheduling went well altho apparently most chem labs are mid day or mid afternoon which would have precluded almost anything else she wanted, so she went with the evening section. Glad you asked about Thankgiving; that wouldn't have occurred to me for awhile. We had talked about spending that holiday in NO as a family, but she is the only one of our 3 college student children to have Wednesday off, so it's harder for the other 2 to travel.</p>

<p>Never mind -- that was totally wrong. Her chem lab is Tues night 6:30-9:30.</p>