Now that you know where you've been accepted, where are you going?

<p>I'm a parent and I'm so excited for and proud of all the students on this board! I'm sure I speak for many aa parents when I say you have no idea how wonderful it makes me feel to see all of you having achieved so much and now the world is open and available for you to seize your opportunities!!! </p>

<p>We know who's been accepted where, but have you made the final decision: where are you going?</p>

<p>My D will be attending Washington University in St. Louis to major in pre-med and Chinese.</p>

<p>i'm like 68.96% percent sure i'll be going to Columbia.</p>

<p>University of Chicago for me. I've already turned in my deposit. I turned down a big scholarship at Washington University, which was kind of hard because I really like WUSTL, but Chicago is more of the place for me.</p>

<p>akward313, i feel so proud of everyone too! it's so refreshing to see other smart black students.</p>

<p>as for me, i'm 99.9% sure i'll be attending yale. hopefully, i'll major in political science/international studies.</p>

<p>I've also felt overwhelmingly happy to see how many other intelligent blacks have been successful in the application process. as it stands, I'm about 60% sure I'll be attending Yale for pre-med. The other 40% sways to Hopkins, but mixed reviews have me thinking that Hopkins over Yale may not be the right choice. Fin aid was also better for Yale although both were good.</p>

<p>85% sure I'm going to Bryn Mawr College for Biology/pre-med..and waiting on my first choice (Spelman)..I wish I could find out from them so I can make my decision but I haven't found out b/c i live in boston, my letter won't get here until next week :(! :)</p>

<p>p.s. mangoho- congrats on yale! wow...everyone here is AMAZING...</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone else!!
Although I didn't get into Brown (the only Ivy I applied to) It's okay, there's always Med School!
Also, for you pre-med'ers there's this program called SMDEP, check it out! I'm already planning on applying for it next year :)
the link is: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>100% going to MIT, for either Chemical Engineering or Cognitive Neuroscience</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone! You're all so amazing.</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone! Im going to a state school, I didnt apply to any ivies. :D Good luck superwoman on spelman! I'm double majoring in biology, and superwoman thanks for the link for the program, it seems really cool. Im so excited to go into college and start pre med work! but anyway, congrats to everyone! Kb09026, I have a friend that is at MIT right now, and she loves it! Good luck.</p>

<p>Thanks BananaPop! Gluck to you too! :)</p>

<p>p.s. no problem! that program is awesome im definetly applying for next summer for either the one at Yale or Columbia..idk yet :)</p>

<p>Can I also say that I am extremely proud of everyone on this board. It's great to see other African American students like me get into good colleges. We all deserve an applause for making it through the admissions process successfully. Huge congrats to everyone! :D </p>

<p>As of right now, I don't know for sure where I am going. It's between NYU's Tisch School of the Arts as a Film Production major (they gave me a couple of scholarships and grants) and Chapman University as a Creative Producing major (found out I'm a Dean's Scholar and they also gave me a couple of grants). My heart has been leaning towards NYU for the past several days, but then my mind is thinking I would be crazy to give up that Dean's Scholarship at Chapman. Decisions, decisions...</p>

<p>Starde- I feel the same way! the other day I found out I got the Martin Luther "ing ;r. Scholarship at Holy Cross and its 42k! idk what to do b/c i also got 36k from BU & 43k from Bryn Mawr...its so hard to make the wrong decision...its like if i go to BU will it benefit for Med School...would admissions officers at med school look at me differently b/c i chose an all-girls school? idk..but im visiting Bryn Mawr and if I like it, im going! :) I say you follow your heart & whats best for you! if you love NYU, go! I mean you dont want 10 yrs to pass by and your regretting not going to NYU, look for whats best for you :)</p>

<p>Starde: I say follow superwoman's advice. I have a friend who got into her top 2 choices, and has been worrying for days where she will go. She keeps changing her mind. She is planning to go on a campus visit one last time to the school closest to her. I would recommend doing that if it's not to far. </p>

<p>superwoman: SMDEP looks flippen amazing. I had checked out the website last year, and had totally forgot about it until you posted the link. It sounds like a great program, and I plan on applying maybe to UT or UW. They all look like they have amazing opportunities though. I'm not sure which one is my favorite. lol</p>

<p>Yea, I'm so excited! And yes, I looked at Yale's campus...and it was gorgeous! But then Again, Columbia's right in the city! But UCLA looks cool, especially since I've never been to CA lmao, idk, we'll see when I"m choosing :)</p>

<p>80% Stanford, 20% Howard.</p>

<p>I know me either! :) Yale looks soo much fun. So does UVa, and I havent been to CA either, I would love to go there too. I like how some of the school's have websites. I also love Yale's student guide. I have no idea anymore, the more I look at the other sites, the more I excited I get. It sucks that you can only go once though.</p>

<p>Congratulations to everyone! I'm about 79% sure that I'll be attending the University of Southern California! I'm really excited!</p>

<p>BananaPop: thanks! I know a girl at MIT already, too - it's a comforting thought to know I won't be friendless ;)</p>

<p>Starde: I'm going to second the advice to go to Tisch. I have a sister who graduated from there without grants, and even though she'll likely have loans to pay off for a while, she absolutely never regretted her decision. For a certain type of person, it's the best experience ever, and the opportunities and connections she's made are unparalleled. Plus, as I'm sure you know, their programs are seriously awesome.</p>

<p>dubblyu: USC is awesome! I have a TON of friends there right now, and they love it and say everyone is SO friendly. Good luck!</p>

<p>HeartArt- I got into Spelman! I just called and they said my Financial Aid package will be coming around next we'll see...I hope I don't get a bunch of loans :( , the only way I can go to Spelman now is if they give full-ride, b/c my parent's are DEAD AGAINST me going there...:(</p>

<p>I'm most definitely going to MIT :D
So excited!
Texas to MA might be a huge weather shock... Lol.</p>

<p>Well, I've finally decided and I'm going to Yale! That place is so amazing...I could not pass up such a privilege, plus some seniors there who I used to go to school with really swayed me. Their descriptions of their experiences are out of this world.</p>