Now that you know where you've been accepted, where are you going?

<p>Congrats all. You will be stellar students at your colleges. Jcancollege....what can I say? So glad you made your choice. Superwoman, sure hope Spellman shows the love in the Financial Package with as much love as you have shown for their school. If they don't you too will end up where you should be.</p>

<p>Uc berkeley all the way!</p>

<p>superwoman, you ARE a superwoman!!! Congratulations again! Which of these amazing schools have you visited because I think your decision is going to have to be based on where you see yourself studying. I am praying that Spelman will have a good enough FA for you so you can consider this option as well. So proud of you!</p>

<p>kb09026: No problem! My friend loves it there, and talks about MIT all the time, so I'm sure that you will have lots of fun!</p>

<p>superwoman: wooohh! Congrats on getting into Spelman! I hope that Spelman's FA, is a good offer! If not though, I hope that you will be at an amazing college, where ever it is. :)</p>

<p>dalitso09: wooo! 2 MIT'13ers! And I'm with you on the weather shock -- I'm from Southern California, and don't know how I will deal with Boston winters. At least that makes 2 of us!</p>

<p>Bananapop: tell us what state school you are headed to! Not everyone here is headed to ivies. My son is trying to decide between Marquette and Saint Louis University. Every one here has a school to be proud of and will head off to accomplish great things.</p>

<p>learninginprog- I feel the same way! God has a plan for me :)</p>

<p>HeartArt- I visited BU since its 15 minutes away, Bryn Mawr I'm going to the Multicultural Mosaic & Open Campus Days from April 18th-20th so I'm excited about that! I really hope I like it there; I'm already speaking to students who attend the school. My parents said they would buy me a ticket to go see Spelman if I get full-ride or at least a decent Financial Aid so I'm praying I get the chance to see the school. It takes extremely long to go from Boston to ATL so I would definitely have to take a plane. So I'm excited about that, I'm praying I get a good Fin Aid! Thank you!!</p>

<p>BananaPop- Thanks!! I know you’ll end up somewhere amazing!! Wherever it is will accept your amazing-ness J</p>

<p>EVERYONE- I hope you guys all end up at AMAZING colleges, you’ve all been an inspiration to me as well as successors of us who will be reading this thread next year! You’re all amazing whether you end up at an ivy league or not, it’s what you bring to the college not the name!!!
& Don't forget: Wherever you end up is where you're meant to be! :)</p>

<p>I just stumbled across this sub-forum of the College Admissions section, and I'm so glad I did. It is incredibly gratifying to see you all so excited and successful! Here's sending a heartfelt congratulations to each and every one of you! </p>

<p>Superwoman, my D graduated in '08 from Bryn Mawr with a degree in Physics, and she absolutely loved her years as a Mawrter. I'll be very interested in hearing what you thought of BMC when you return from Multi-cultural Days. Good luck with financial aid from Spelman, too. One of D's best friends graduated from there in '08. I hope you get to visit both campuses to compare and contrast before making a final decision. :)</p>

<p>poetsheart- Yay! I'm glad to hear about a good experience at Bryn Mawr as an AA women :), it's extremely refreshing. I'm very excited though to hold onto their legacy, as well as if I were to attend Spelman. yes, I'd love to do so!! I just hope Spelman gives me something great. I really do! :) And Congratulations to your daughter on such an accomplishment, is she currently in grad school?</p>

<p>60% University of Rochester and 40% Case Western Reserve University for me. I dont want to make the wrong decision, I got good scholarships/need based aid from both. I got waitlisted at Carleton College... will go if I get in.</p>

<p>Princeton for me!</p>

<p>Dartmouth!!! :D</p>

<p>Either Duke or Dartmouth. But if we don't come up w/ the $, I'll be at my state school, University of Florida.</p>

<p>OriginalUsername: Yay Dartmouth!!!</p>

<p>95% Stanford, 5% University of So Cal

<p>Boston University baby =)</p>

<p>Ryansheart- Where are you from? I'm seriously considering BU, but I'm stuck lol, between BU & Bryn Mawr :(
I kinda don't want to leave my friends & family but then again i want to see something different & new :)</p>

<p>HeartArt and superwoman: Thanks for complementing my amazing ness! I have actually been super busy getting all my college stuff ready..even though I was excepted back in october...I am a procrastinator to the fullest. I am really exicted to go to college, and I know I will be happy at UCF (University of Central Florida :)). I love the campus and think that I will really do well in the environment, and plus I love theme parks. :D</p>

<p>Oh and I know this is kinda unrelated to the whole topic, but has anyone taken or reccommend taking the CLEP(College Level Examination Program) to get out of taking certain classes? It sounds like an AP exam that you take on the computer, I don't know much about it though. I just saw it mentioned on here, and wondered if any of you guys had heard of it.</p>

<p>Thats great! well im glad everythings turning out great : ), see youre meant to be where your supposed to!! G luck and yes i have read about CLEP exams, i would love to take one in French to get out of language requirements but idk, i need to read up more info about that too :)</p>

<p>Thanks :) Good luck to you too! You will end up are going to a college where you will be happy too! Did you take a language in high school? I am in Spanish 4 now, I don't think I want to take any foreign language in college, but I don't know if my languages in high school will count for college.</p>

<p>Johns Hopkins 2013 - Biology or Neuroscience</p>