Now the excitement of acceptances is over...

<p>Hey all,</p>

<p>I'm an accepted EA applicant to Georgetown, Notre Dame, and Boston College.<br>
All three schools require a mid year transcript. Well, this semester is pretty tough and i'm definitely experiencing a downward trend, with max. of 2 Cs being the worst case (may be able to pull those up). I'm currently taking 5 AP classes. My concern is that I have never gotten C's before...</p>

<p>Is my major downward trend (in case i can't pull it up) bad enough to rescind my admission, only based on FIRST SEMSTER grades? Will it affect my chance of getting Financial Aid and scholarships?</p>

<p>Also, i'm determined to do better next semester to show an upward trend again. Does schools focus more on the Final Transcript rather than the mid-year report?</p>

<p>Thank you!! Any response is appreciated!</p>

<p>Don’t Georgetown and BC have restricted early action?</p>

<p>I thought that was only Stanford and Yale.</p>

<p>^yeah nevermind I think you’re just just not allowed apply ED anywhere under BC’s EA program.</p>

<p>congrats on getting into all three, that is amazing. From what I’ve heard about applications being rescinded, your grades have to be pretty bad, like D’s. If you can work hard and pull it up though, that would probably be the safe route to go, just in case.</p>

<p>^ yup true,</p>

<p>yeah they are restrictive, so i did not apply to any ED
definitely trying to pull my grades up, but physics and econ are not my thing…</p>

<p>If it’s a high or mid range C, I seriously doubt you have any chance of being rescinded. Like someone else said, usually colleges only show concern if you get a D or an F. And even then, they will usually call you and talk with you before they actually rescind your admission.</p>

<p>yeah i’ll try to pull them up
my major concern is that its a BIG drop, considering i got all As this year…</p>