NRC Rankings?

<p>Weren't these supposed to come out this year? I remember them saying they do these rankings every 10 years. The last one was 1995. BTW, aren't the factors of the NRC rankings pretty similar to what US News does?</p>

<p>It got delayed again. At this rate I'll probably have a PhD before the rankings come out.</p>

<p>And I'm a sophomore.</p>

<p>Current plan is 1st quarter of next year.</p>

<p> was supposed to come out first quarter of 2008.</p>

<p>I was wondering the same.</p>

<p>Come on NRC hurry up!!! :(</p>

<p>It feels like we're waiting for Godot.</p>

<p>Rather than start a new thread I decided to bump this old one. Up until a couple months ago the NRC website had a release date but I just checked today and they no longer attempt to project when the rankings (or even the methodology) will be released. I don’t see this report seeing the light of day at this point.</p>