<p>So I have been accepted for a four year, $180,000 scholarship for the Navy. I have been deferred to Michigan and they have asked for my semester grades. My Semester GPA is a 3.975. Will the NROTC unit give a good word and give me a better chance of getting into Michigan?</p>
<p>All of my teachers said I should get in no problem but I'm wondering if the NROTC unit pushes for acceptance for the students it gave scholarships.</p>
<p>The director of admissions is former Air Force and one of his senior staff used to be U-M’s NROTC guy. Admissions LOVES the ROTC program–do not sweat things.</p>
<p>I was in the same boat as you (haha puns). anyways, awhile back i started up talking to the NROTC staff at Michigan, because it was my number 1 choice. The staff there is very friendly and respectable. When i asked if there was anyway they could maybe recommend me to the admissions staff. the answer back was that the NROTC unit"could not officially recommend any student." you can take this however you want, but im assuming at least contacting the unit could in no way shape or form hurt. Bestof luck</p>