NROTC Program

<p>I know that Fordham NROTC midshipmen have to travel to SUNY Maritime for NROTC but can only one give me anymore info on NROTC at Fordham, specifically their Marine section?
Any info would be great.

<p>Hi Kemp7, I’m a midshpman currently but not at the Fordham unit. From what I heard from speaking to Suny Maritime guys during cruise I believe the commute that the Fordham several times a week to their NROTC unit sucks. SUNY is a great school but i’d also suggest looking at other NROTC schools, I’m at a one in philadelphia that has a crosstown with a bunch of schools as well. I also see your interested in being a marine option? For the most part marine options have a bigger time committment: they PT more than Navy options, take different naval science classes, go on field exercises a few weekends a year, as well as a bigger emphasis on military drill. feel free to message me or reply to my post if you have any further or specific questions</p>