NROTC scholarship

<p>So I just got the NROTC scholarship! I'm ecstatic! The problem: I got wait listed for Cornell. I've been really wondering if I should just ask to transfer my scholarship to UVA or UF, where I've already been accepted, or if I should try to wait it out. Cornell is my top choice, and I'm wondering if the scholarship would help me got off the waitlist.</p>

<p>Spk w/your scholarship ppl and ask them how to handle WLs. They’ll guide you. You’re certainly not the 1st person this has happened to. Best of luck to you and thank you for your willingness to serve our country. </p>

<p>First, do not panic… Wait lists are not final. It is possible that the scholarship will get you off the waitlist. Contact Cornell before contacting the NROTC. Cornell just might take the scholarship into consideration. After getting an idea of your chances at Cornell, then contact NROTC and tell them the exact situation. They can tell you your alternatives.</p>

<p>When you ask for a transfer, you basically go back to the bottom of the NROTC college assignment list. You do get to keep your scholarship – no problem there. But the Navy could end up sending you anywhere. They might not even send you to UVa or UF. They might send you to Oregon State, or North Carolina State, or Texas A&M. In other words, anywhere. So, do not rush into asking for a transfer.</p>

<p>Every NROTC college has an upper quota for scholarships. Once that quota is full, it is very difficult to get assigned to that college. Personally, I suspect that UVa and UF might be full or close to it, because they are state schools, in populous states, and are very desirable.</p>

<p>In any event, I hope that you applied to all five of the schools you listed on your NROTC scholarship application. You have only mentioned three. I hope that you were accepted into the other two, and that those quotas are not full. Those are your backup schools.</p>