NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM)

<p>After learning about some specific engineering scholarships at U Tennessee funded by the NSF, I did a little research and found this website.
NSF</a> - Award Search - Search All Fields</p>

<p>"This program makes grants to institutions of higher education to support scholarships for academically talented, financially needy students, enabling them to enter the workforce following completion of an associate; baccalaureate; or graduate-level degree in science and engineering disciplines. Grantee institutions are responsible for selecting scholarship recipients, reporting demographic information about student scholars, and managing the S-STEM project at the institution.</p>

<p>The program does not make scholarship awards directly to students; students should contact their institution’s Office of Financial Aid for this and other scholarship opportunities."</p>

<p>I think this is very a good tool to learn more at those available scholarships at the institutions that you are looking at or even help you consider others.</p>

<p>Great information. This weekend I took my own 8th grader and girls from Nativity Prep (a local college-prep middle school focused on placing Latino students in college) to an “Expand Your Horizons” science conference at a local university. I’ll be sure to keep that scholarship on file since I saw many Latino students interested in science.</p>

<p>You can refine your search and look per school or state very easily.</p>