<p>Just thought I'd get the new thread up for the 2014-2015 programs. It's never too early to start planning your app and activities now :) We still have about 8-9 months left until the application will be opened but this is a perfect time to spread info on the program to friends and classmates that have a genuine interest in the target languages. From what I hear they are looking for people with connections to the language of at least a really strong interest that can be articulated. Since this is a highly competitive program, they are looking for those that want to use the target language to do something in the world, not just because its look good on a college app. I'm a sophomore and I'll be applying next year since my mother, for some reason, decided that I'm old enough to go away for a summer. Either that or she is sick of having me around the house all day ^<strong>^ anyways.. I'm applying for a short term program this summer for South Korea and I'd be applying for the NSLI-Y summer Korean program since I can't take a year off due to leadership clubs and such. Chinese summer is my back up ^</strong>^ I'd love to hear your thoughts on any of the programs and any that you think would be a good third backup.</p>
<p>I am also looking at this for the summer of 2014, although I am hoping for Russia or Turkey. You are very lucky because i have yet to convince my mother to let me go… But I still cannot contain my excitment. I keep having to tell myself that their is a slim chance i will make it… AND I AM STILL FREAKING OUT WITH EXCITEMENT.</p>
<p>My mom let me “move” out of the house already to go take care of my gram so it’s not that big of a deal. Plus two weeks after I get back from the trip I’ll be 18 so I’d be close to being able to do anything I want. I told her it would look good for college so she said ok :)</p>
<p>Oh that would make more sense. I will be 15 that summer and will turn 16 a couple weeks after the program.</p>
<p>Hope we both get in ^___^</p>
<p>Hi! I’m also a summer 2014 hopeful. I’m also hoping to go to Spain for first semester of next year.</p>
<p>So far my language choices are Turkish, Arabic, then Persian. Although I’m not completely sure about which I want to rank first, Arabic or Turkish. ugh I wish it was September already and we could apply!</p>
<p>Raelara I’ll be about the same age as you (16 that summer) and maybe we’ll see each other in Turkey!</p>
<p>I did some researching and it’ll be harder if you are a freshman applying and a little bit easier if you are a sophomore.mainly they are looking at maturity level and how decided you are. If you have a qualified senior vs a qualified freshman they will be more apt to give the spot to the senior. If you have a strong application and interview you should be fine if you get chosen for a semi finalist position then you have about a 40% chance of getting the spot! </p>
<p>Dizzyworld- previous study abroad experience is great just make sure you have all of your application and immunizations done beforehand if it takes awhile to get doctor’s appointments for you. Also make sure you get back by late January in time for the interview
I’m applying to go to South Korea and Costa Rica this summer also! So hopefully if I go to either it’ll look good on my app :)</p>
<p>Also you have a better chance at summer than year if its your first time. </p>
<p>Best of luck! Join the Facebook group for applicants!</p>
<p>Thanks for the tips I’ll be returning around January 20th pretty sure, so I should be ok for interviews. If I’m chosen as a semi than I’ll email nsliy and such.
Are you applying to the CIEE South Korea scholarship?</p>
<p>Yep that, another one for Costa Rica, a JSA program at Princeton, and a College SAT and application course at Tufts or college courses at Harvard (depends what they assign me) hopefully I’ll be doing something this summer :)</p>
<p>Also ask If you can do a Skye or phone interview if they insist on doing you before you get back :)</p>
<p>My daughter applied for NSLIY 2013 summer in South Korea. She already speaks basic Korean, and would like to major in Asian studies in university. She really wants to go to Korea this summer, and is counting the days until she gets the decision if she was accepted or not. The problem is that decisions won’t be out until Mid to late April. We thought of applying to another summer program in Korea as a backup plan. Although we know the other programs could be expensive we agreed just so she can pursue her dream. What are some of the other summer programs in S Korea that are reputable? I checked the CIEE website but they only mentioned China and Japan programs.</p>
<p>Any advice or recommendations?</p>
<p>Thank you!</p>
<p>Hi! Sorry this is so late! I had school today the Ciee South Korea Program can be found here: [CIEE</a> South Korea Scholarship Program](<a href=“http://www.ciee.org/southkorea/index.html]CIEE”>http://www.ciee.org/southkorea/index.html)
This one is free less a $150 application fee if accepted plus flight to gateway city</p>
sounds like you’ll definitely be doing something this summer! also CIEE is the program I’m going to Spain with. I really like them so far–everyone’s super nice and helpful. and yeah ill have my laptop so will be able to do skype if needed</p>
<p>is there a facebook group for 2014-2015 applicants? i couldn’t find one</p>
<p>dizzyworld- we’re all on the same one! It says 2012-2013 but we just change the name each year. It’s a fabulous group (:</p>
<p>jujubeehime- what program in costa rica did you apply to? I want to go there so badly!!</p>
<p>I applied to NSLIY this year for Arabic summer, btw (:</p>
<p>Thanks Jujubeehime for the info. The CIEE seems great but quite short so not comprable to the great NSLIY summer in S Korea program. Have you heard of Youth For Understanding? They too have a summer in SKorea program and have general similarities to the nsliy.</p>
<p>ivygirl505–oh ok thanks! just joined the group, it is wonderful and i think im going to apply to arabic next summer. Do you know if they’re still not sending people to Egypt?</p>
<p>also does anyone know ranking a more popular program decreases your chances of getting in?</p>
<p>sorry this is slightly spammy but if @jesskidding sees this I got your message but can’t send private msgs’s yet did you get my email?</p>
<p>I’m applying next year for full-year Korean, full-year Chinese, and maybe a third. I’m much more into East Asia than West Asia/North Africa. I’m currently a junior, so I’ll be applying for it as a gap year. What can one do to prepare to apply for NSLI-Y?</p>
<p>I was accepted for Arabic summer this year!
@dizzyworld- Definitely still not sending people to Egypt, but we’re now going to Morocco, Jordan, and Oman. Applying for a more competitive program does decrease your chances, but don’t switch languages just because you know one is more competitive. NSLI-Y also creates more spots for the more competitive programs like China.
@katica- Look up past essay topics! The admissions process is pretty holistic, and most of the people who were accepted this year are interested in State Department/international careers.
Good luck!</p>