NSLI-Y Academic Year 2019 - 2020

@Mulvahillyoo - We are the last program left, so many of us are anticipating notifications tomorrow though we can’t be sure. A bunch of the Korean semi-finalists currently have a group chat if your daughter would like to join us with the wait! It’s through an app called Kakaotalk :slight_smile:

Thank you so much! I will let her know about the group chat. Best wishes to all of you!

just an fyi–yesterday korean ay results were posted. i’m a finalist!!! if there are any finalists on here that aren’t in the finalist group on kakaotalk let me know!

Finalists for Arabic Academic Year! Please contact me so I can add you to the WhatsApp group chat if you aren’t in there already! We’re missing a lot of people and we’re super curious who everyone is.

Has anyone been accepted into a AY program as an alternate yet? If so how long did it take?

@sapmom My DD is just wrapping up her year with YES in Rabat. They have loved it. The YES and NSLI-Y kids meet every afternoon at the Amideast cultural center. Happy to answer any questions which come up as your daughter prepares to go. what an amazing opportunity all of these students have.

For NSLI-Y alumni with experience in China, did any of you have to do your laundry by hand? Any of you have a squatty potty in the host family home?