Information and FAQ

@xinabess Pretty much everyone I know ended up with a friend. You put in a request for the roommate you want a the end of the semester. There are so many vacancies. I am in a 6 person apartment with 3 other friends from There are 2 sophomores in the room. It is great. As Freshmen, we are required to have a 5 meal plan even though we have a kitchen, but that is nice just for getting together with friends and having a break from making dinner. There are definitely some people who didn’t end up in a great spot, but I think that is rare and certainly not a reason to decline the offer into the program. If you get a bad assignment, you can make a request to swap, you just have to be on top of it and advocate for yourself.

How much more costs? @apdns19 , you mantion $35K + leaving expenses. By that you mean room and board is not included in $35K?

@Ultramarine777 I could be wrong but I believe they mean flights to and from the destination.

@Ultramarine777 see costs laid out at this link Estimated cost is $36,000 which includes tuition housing and a few other costs. Other costs not covered include travel, food and entertainment.

@vpa2019 It includes air travel to/from the destination city but not personal travel within the area.

Is anyone going to Sydney, Australia?

@TomSrOfBoston yes sorry I didn’t clarify that travel is personal travel during the semester.

@Ultramarine777 Everything is included except for food and expenses for travel or entertainment while abroad. I was in London where we lived in an apartment building. We cooked for ourselves or bought food. Some locations (maybe just Greece) has meals included and I think they live in a hotel. The site outlines the living arrangements for each location. Bottom line is it is expensive. $35k for the program, travel to your location, and rooming. Then depending on how much you travel while you are there, you can blow through a lot of money quickly. My experience was that many of my peers were living very large and had unlimited spending, so I needed to watch out for myself. It was amazing though and I can’t wait to go back to London some day!

@apdns19, that is a good point If you are with a group of kinds that have a lot of money and you are on a tight budget because the program is expensive as it is it can be difficult.

Hi! I’m a potential incoming freshman to the program. In making my decision as to which country I should visit, I was wondering how AP transfer credits would work. For example, I’m interested in studying at SUT in Australia, but having taken AP BC and qualifying for the credits for Calculus 1 and 2, I am only offered Calculus 1 at SUT. On the other hand, Greece offers Calculus 1, 2, and 3. This situation applies for several AP classes I’ve taken at my high school in the past two years. Should I make my location decision based off of course availability? I’d appreciate any insight on the matter as well as how exactly AP credits from high school transfer into the program and Northeastern in general. Thank you!

Has anyone turned down an offer for NU and gotten into the Boston campus? My son has lived his whole life abroad and was actually looking forward to an American experience. Thanks-

@awaitingoffers If you turn down NU In you cannot attend the Boston campus in the Fall, if that is what you are asking.

@awaitingoffers we went to the Accepted Student’s Day last weekend and they said if you don’t accept your NUin offer then you are declining admission into Northeastern altogether.

@awaitingoffers the program is only the first semester. Your son will spend the other 7 in America ?

Thanks all for the info!

To everyone speculating that the NUin program doesn’t factor in the SAT scores of its accepted students, this may help explain. You can read the whole article here

“For the past several years, Northeastern has received more than 62,000 undergraduate applications for just 2,800 seats in the freshman class. As a result, Northeastern developed a spring entry program as a way to stagger enrollment and meet the overwhelming demand for a Northeastern education. (Many American universities have similar programs). The average two-part SAT score for a student admitted to this program—called—exceeds 1400 and is in the 97th percentile of all students who take the SAT nationwide.”

Moderators Note: Edited to make the URL shorter

@jia614 If you got a 4 or 5 on AP tests, they will transfer over. There are usually corresponding classes that they will cover. So for example, Physics came in as Physics for Engineering 1 (Course 1151) and the lab for 5 credits. I chose my location for based on the classes that interested me. Everyone will take a Freshman writing course (just like if you were in Boston). Everyone will take an elective related to your location, so you get 4 credits, but no other real value. Then you take two other classes that will go toward your major or NUPath or a prereq. You will pick your classes at the PDO, but if you are stuck choosing your location based on the classes, just give your advisor a call. I hope that helps.

Does anyone know how to check if a site is filling up? I know that Canada and Ireland are filled, but I’m curious about the others.

We called the NUin counselor and he said that when you sign in to your account,
after to commit, it will show you if the location is getting full. It will say something like, “almost full”, when it’s about 80% full.

Is anyone considering Rome? My daughter was accepted into the School of Art Media and Design and there seem to be a lot of course offerings in Rome.