<p>I have my schedule all set for next semester of my freshman year. I am trying to get into Kelley, and math is my weakness. I am enrolled in all of my other classes, but need Finite to apply to Kelley. I arranged my whole schedule around getting McKinley for Finite, as it appears he is the only good professor teaching the course. I am number 18 on the waitlist, will I likely get in the class? If not, my whole schedule is screwed and needs to be redone. All the other Math teachers are either new, bad, or listed as staff. When will the "staff" teachers be declared?</p>
<p>If you are 18 on the waitlist, then you are unlikely to be admitted–sorry.</p>
<p>Take finite at your local community college. I’m not sure if your’s offers it, but my community college offers classes online, so if I wanted I could take finite online while taking the rest of my classes at IUB.</p>
<p>Would I have a chance if I emailed the prof?</p>
<p>Also, I need Finite to be taken this year so I can apply to kelley in April. Would I be able to take it online possibly, and where?</p>
<p>Generally, the profs do not get involved in the decision of who is admitted and who isn’t–especially when there are a lot of students who want to get into the same class. Besides, if you aren’t admitted by the end of the first week, you can’t take the class anyway.</p>
<p>My suggestion is to just plan and take something else and register for the finite class next semester, or else change your schedule around as best as possible to take the class with a different professor.</p>
<p>P.S. You will find that the way the IU registration system is set up, you can always get the class you want, you just can’t always get it with the professor you want. If you are willing to wait, you can usually end up getting the professor you want in a future semester, but only you can decide if it is worth waiting.</p>
<p>Will do. I am also number 8 on the waitlist in Business G202, likely to get in there?</p>
<p>Which section of M118 McKinley are you #18. If it is the one with 250 students, then you have a decent chance, especially since you can stay on the wait list until the end of the first week of class. You still have seven or eight weeks until then, and some people will probably drop out after the first or second class meeting if they think they are not picking up on the material well enough to get the grade they need. I don’t think you have much of a chance of getting into the 80 students section if you are #18. Everyone signed up for the small section is probably at least a sophomore, and they probably want to finally get M118 out of the way. </p>
<p>The G202 sections are huge (260 each), so you will get in if one person a week drops your section, which could happen. But most of them are sophomores or near sophomores and need to get that I-core pre-req out of the way. So I think G202 will be tougher to get into.</p>
<p>I am in the McKinley with 250 students. In some of my other big classes this year, the profs just let in the first 10 off the waitlist, so hopefully I get into G202, if not I’ll look into something else.</p>
<p>**Mr. Mckinnley does soemthing special with his students. If you
sit in the front of the class in the first day, and wait for it to
end, rush up to him right after class ends. He has his own
“personal” waitlist that he uses. The first 5 students to go up
to him and sign up on that waitlist get into class. He waits until
the onestart server restrictions stop after the first week of class,
then he manually expands the class and accepts you as a student.
It’s pretty shifty hahahah. You need to send him an e-add request
<p>I hope I made your day :)</p>
<p>Just my .02**</p>
<p>OK great. Now I am just worried about G202, hopefully since I am just number 8 I will get in.</p>