Number of classes

<p>im going in to the faculty of sciences, and will probably be taking 5 courses the first semester. so does anyone know areound how many classes or hours of classes I'll be getting a week?thanks!
im just a bit worried because i heard that profs teach around a 1/3 of the whole text book in like an hour...which would mean 4 extra hours of studying?</p>

<p>5 courses? Hmm... generally science kids only take 4 (Chem, bio, physics, math) first semester - what else are you taking?</p>

<p>Sciences first year is intensive. You'll be in lectures about 15 hours a week (some 50min classes three times a week, some 80min classes two times a week, probably). However, since you're in science, you'll also have labs and tutorials. (Assuming you're taking all the normal first year sciences) Chem lab adds 2.5 hours, Physics is 2.5 - I think, and Bio is 3. You'll also have tutorials, some of which are mandatory, and some of which aren't (though I highly suggest going to them!). The chem tutorial is an hour and a half... I'm not sure about physics because I didn't take it. Math tutorial first semester is an hour, and two hours second semester.</p>

<p>I mean, it is very intensive, a lot of work, a lot of time in class, and a lot of time doing work outside of class. But it's manageable - and you won't be alone. Are you living in res? Because science kids in res tend to bond and work together! Also, prof's definitely DON'T teach 1/3 of the textbook in an hour! They go fast, definitely, but usually spend about a week per chapter or so.</p>

<p>Anyway, don't worry about it! You'll get through just fine as long as you're willing to put in some work. Best of luck!</p>

<p>5 courses a semester is usual. That is 15 hours a week, not including labs and/or tutorials (add another 2 hours at the very least least, depending on the program). But of those 5 courses, one should be an elective (like, say, Art of Listening), that isn't too demanding so you won't go crazy over your total workload.</p>