<p>How many classes do you take?</p>
<li> There's an option to take 7, but that means a zero hour, and zero hour starts at 7 a.m.</li>
<p>In junior high (which includes freshman year), we took 8.</p>
<li>at my school, all students, freshmen through seniors, are required to take 7 full hours unless they have college release or something like that.</li>
<p>Our school's system allows us to take 7 classes total per semester; however, I've chosen to only take 6 this year. Afterall, this is the dreaded and challenging junior year. :)</p>
<p>I'm on block schedule. I have 4 90-minute classes, 2 semesters. This allows us to earn 8 credits a year, and it works out well for classes that have a lot of sequential prereqs like Calculus. If it weren't for block schedule, I'd have to double up on math courses (example: taking trig at pre-calc at the same time) to get through BC Calc.</p>
<p>i have 7 50 minutes classes per day (except weds there is only four). all classes meet 4 days a week 'cept half credit classes which meet 2 times a weeks
I take 9 classes. I have 1 free period which is for college meetings</p>
<p>ha ha... our school requires freshmen through juniors to take at least 6 classes, with the option of 7 or 8 classes, but i'm a senior, so I only have to take what I need... I have 4 regular classes, zero hour, and a correspondence (online) course.</p>
<p>All underclassmen have to take 7 but seniors can take as little as 3(with co-op or college release only) or 4(with nothing else)... I take 4 then go to college.</p>
<p>4 a semester... we're on block scheduling...</p>
<p>oh, do y'all like it? ';ve heard many mixed opinions on it</p>
<p>in my school, i'm in a governor's school program, so half of the day, my core classes are block schedule, then we go back into the regular periods of the day</p>
<p>i have 6 50 minute classes and 1 55 minute class, and i have lunch at 10:30 am!</p>
<p>Our school requires 7 for freshman through juniors and most seniors, though some can get a half-day schedule (5 classes) if they have a reason. The two magnet programs require their students to have 8 classes freshman and sophomore years and many do junior and senior year also. Non-magnet students can have 8 (like I do), but it's not always possible if you aren't taking a class that's offered 8th period.</p>
<p>10! Well 9 now for this semester, but I've been taking 10 since sophomore year. It drove me crazy! Anyways, hopefully it will look good that I will graduate with the highest # of credits out of my senior class</p>
<p>If you include band, 6.</p>
<p>Six classes for 50 minutes, but seniors have to take at least 3. We have a 20 minute lunch break everyday (yeah that sucks), and a 20 minute homeroom Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. </p>
<p>Oh, and school starts at 7:25, but the buses drop everyone off around 7:00AM, so we're out by 2:10 which is probably the only perk.</p>
<p>we have 7 50 minute periods a day, but one of them is gym class, so at most one could take 6.5 credits a year. Everygrade is required to take 6 credits, unless you are a senior who is taking 4 advanced level courses (ap and seminar courses). Then you only have to take 5 classes.</p>
<p>we have 4 block classes a semester. so up to 8 a year. most AP classes are all year though :/</p>
<p>Regular people schedules at my school: 4 classes per semester
Me: 7 classes per semester... a full timetable (IB diploma) + band at 7:30 AM two mornings a week, choir at 7:30 AM two other mornings a week, and International Politics after school on mondays 5:30 to 7:30</p>
<p>i take 5 academic
there's 7 periods in a day
but you need permission to take more than 5 1/2 "majors"
and i can't think of anyone that takes more than 6 academic classes</p>
<p>I have 5 actual classes, a chem-lab aid period, and a half a period where I'm a senior mentor. In theory, you can take 7 classes. I don't have a study hall because AP Chem and AP Physics overlap so we can do double periods every other day with every other monday devoted to one</p>