Number of CS majors at each of the UC's plus CP SLO?

Anyone have common data sets of the number of computer science major freshmen at the UC’s and SLO? I’ve heard of several strong stats kids today shut out of UCLA, Davis, UCSD, Irvine, UCSB, and SLO… like 2150 sat’s, 4.2 + weighted gpa’s. It’s heartbreaking really, there are just too many qualified applicants for too few spots.

SLO has a target enrollment of 130 Freshman CS majors for 2017.
UCI enrolled 332 Freshman CS majors in 2016.

These schools have no breakdowns of the # of Freshman enrolled in their CS programs and many times no breakout of CS major in particular.

UCD has 1100 enrolled undergrads in CS and CSE.

UCSB enrolled 316 Freshman in 2016 for Engineering/CS.
UCLA had 667 undergrads in the CS program for 2016.
UCSD had 1961 undergrads enrolled in the CS/Engineering department for 2016.

This information cannot be found on the common dataset. You need to find admission/enrollment stats by digging through the school’s websites. UCI/SLO have the data readily available.

If you look at the number of students applying as CS majors it’s just very, very few spots in California. Yikes.

This is maddening. The rising need for undergraduate CS instruction has been apparent for a long time. CS grads contribute to technological progress and to the GDP, unlike some fuzzier majors I could name.

The popularity of CS, the universities’ lack of response, and trophy hunting by certain elite applicants have all compromised the opportunity for a lot of talented kids to pursue their CS dreams.