Nursing App

Hi guys!
As a high school senior currently thinking about majoring in nursing (like getting a bsn and stuff), can someone explain, comprehensively, how do you apply for nursing majors? (like for ex, how to apply for bsn, because like for university of washington’s undergrad nursing program, it says you have to take all these prerequesite courses like CHEM 120/ etc (the link- )… so like for bsn, is it just you apply for bsn in your college app, and then the first 2 years you take all prerequesite courses, then take 4 years of bsn? or is it just four years of bsn)

sorry i’m so confused so some of my stuff don’t make sense ;_;
but if you do understand what i’m asking please reply :slight_smile:

I doubt anyone has the time or willingness to type in the info that’s already out there. Tons of info online. And books you can buy, I’d bet.

A real key you need to understand it what a “direct admit” program is. Under these you apply as a frosh and they accept you into the nursing program. You pass your classes, you’ll be a nurse. Many programs are not like this. You apply as a “pre-nursing” or “undeclared” major and only after two years are you eligible to apply for admission to the RN program. If they say no, you are up a creek. Avoid these programs if you get any offers from a direct-admit school. If you read thru the info on their site, you should be able to see that Washington is not direct admit.

@mikemac isn’t it also true that if you are planning to become a nurse and enter a BSN program, it can be difficult to get all the classes you need for your pre reqs since you are not under a science major? which means that it can take longer than 4 years…?

I have heard that some students take community college courses during summers if that :arrow_up: happens

@almaa_card123: There are a lot of different factors in involved in getting the Pre-req courses to apply as a Nursing major. California Community colleges are notorious for being overenrolled, so getting classes can be difficult which may delay finishing. You here many stories in which CC students are taking courses at several CC’s to finish within 2 years. California CSU’s are all impacted for Nursing, so again you will be competing with other science majors for the same courses needed to apply. I have to 2 co-workers whom daughters opted to attend an OOS CC and then apply to an OOS Nursing program (2+2).

As a prospective nursing major, the direct admit programs are where you want to focus your efforts as stated by @mikemac. You are accepted into the Nursing major as a Freshman and do not have to reapply after you finish your pre-req’s. Only down side is that you need to maintain a specific GPA to continue in the program.

@jz1299: As @mikemac stated above, there are different routes to a BSN. You can do a 2+2 program where you take 2 years of pre-req’s at a community college or 4 year college, then apply to the Nursing school or the direct admit programs where you apply as a Freshman.

If you are looking for Washington schools, I believe Gonzaga is a direct admit BSN program.

Here is a link for direct admit programs. Not sure if it is updated, so check each school for accuracy.

I also suggest you post in the Nursing major forum if you have more questions.

Now this got me thinking… Considering all of this and in terms of college acceptance, would applying as undeclared give me a greater shot at getting accepted or should i just apply as a Nursing and/or Science as an alternative? Or a different science as my first choice (as stated in my last recent post)? since nursing is a very competitive and impacted major