Nursing at Purdue

I have been admitted to the BSN program at Purdue. What’s it like? I am OOS and am trying to make a decision.

As a nurse myself and going back to college later in life (after married with children), I would not pay OOS tuition for a BSN in Nursing. I am not sure what state you live in but any BSN nursing program at an in State University would be just as good. You will learn all your experience in Nursing from your first nursing job. You will learn the concepts in Nursing in college. What I am trying to say unless you are getting a very good financial package I would pick a college in your home state. Good luck!!! Nursing is a wonderful career!!

Thank you for the feedback!

Hi- My D was admitted there as well and I am trying to find out information for her. She was also admitted to U Scranton, St. Louis U, Duquesne, and waitlisted at St. Anselm’s. Waiting to hear from a few others. What are your other choices and what state are you from? We are from Mass.

My daughter was accepted to many direct entry nursing programs in the midwest. She did not apply to Purdue because much of the clinical experiences involved travel to Indianapolis. She chose Iowa because the campus has a major medical center/teaching hospital.